Unit 4 – Discussion Board Managing Change


Leroy thinks it is important to use a set of steps from an established change model to guide the change process. He has recommended the OD Action Research model, Appreciative Inquiry, and Kotter’s 8-Step model as potential alternatives. But the VP of HR wants to know all of the details and is also concerned about the potential resistance to change at Red Carpet, so Leroy thinks it’s important to discuss this as well. Red Carpet is seeking long-term success with this change, so Leroy would like you to include a forward-thinking statement regarding the future of Red Carpet after the change. In no time, you and Leroy will be riding the elevator to the 27th floor with a beautiful view of Philadelphia, and he is confident that your collaborative effort will be well-received.
Review the Red Carpet scenario for this course, and with your classmates, discuss the following questions about Red Carpet’s change management plan:
In your opinion, which one of the following change models will be best for Red Carpet’s change process: OD Action Research model, Appreciative Inquiry, or Kotter’s 8-Step model?
What interventions would you recommend to address the challenges at Red Carpet?
Considering the organizational culture of Red Carpet, how could you help the organization use communication to overcome resistance to change?
How will you evaluate the success of the change process at Red Carpet?


In your opinion, which one of the following change models will be best for Red Carpet’s change process: OD Action Research model, Appreciative Inquiry, or Kotter’s 8-Step model? 

Kotter’s change model is most suited to Red Carpet’s successful transformation process. This methodology will address all of Leroy’s and the corporate VP of HR’s worries. Red Carpet’s long-term success would be ensured by implementing the transition methodically to eliminate employee resistance. Employees must be made aware of the urgency of the need for change, a strong partnership must be formed, and a tactical change vision must be developed and communicated. Problems must be solved, the change must be sustained, a short-term goal must be set, and the change must be integrated into corporate culture. Now that the VP of HR is aware of the findings from your focus group, she has asked you to collaborate with Leroy to develop a Red-Carpet change management approach.

Leroy feels it is essential if a long-standing change model is used to guide the process of change. He offers the Action OD Research Model, Kotter’s 8 Step Model, and Appreciative Inquiry as possible alternatives to these approaches. For this reason, Leroy has teamed up with you to inform the Vice President of Human Resources and make decision-making a joint effort. There may be some opposition to change on the Red Carpet.

What interventions would you recommend to address the challenges at Red Carpet?

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