(Solved) NR715 Week 2: Discussion | The DNP-Prepared Nurse and the Global Burden of Disease


NR715 Scientific Underpinnings


  1. Share your views on the unique characteristics of the DNP-prepared nurse.
  2. The Global Burden of Disease and National Practice Problems are the focus of your ongoing work as a DNP-prepared nurse. The National Practice Problems are multifaceted and complex in nature. As you consider one of these complex practice problems, explain which of them would you consider examining and why. Remember to keep a limited scope of a problem you would consider working on with the interprofessional team.
  3. Provide key points on why recently published research studies supply the solutions to the practice problem you are considering.


Embarking on my educational journey to become a DNP-prepared nurse is deeply seeded in my personal and professional desire to improve patient outcomes. This week’s learning resources taught me the rich history and evolution of the doctoral-prepared nurse. While happy to learn that my role will be to critique and appraise studies already conducted by the Doctor of Philosophy or PhD prepared nurse, …..please click the icoon below to access entire solution at $10