(Solved) NR715 Week 1: Discussion | The Theory-Practice Gap and Nursing Research


NR715 Scientific Underpinnings


  1. Using one of the articles provided in this week’s course announcement, identify the nursing theory used to frame the nursing research.
  2. Analyze the selected nursing theory used to guide the research article you selected for the assignment and describe how the nursing theory that was used applies to nursing’s metaparadigm, including each of the following:
    • Person
    • Health
    • Environment
    • Nursing
  1. Support your summary using one quotation, cited in the APA format for a quote as outlined in the academic integrity presentation in lesson 1.
  2. Support your summary using one summary or synthesis statement, cited in the APA format for a summary/synthesis as outlined in the academic integrity presentation in lesson 1.

NOTE: At the doctoral level, paraphrasing is not acceptable.

Please click on the following link to review the DNP Discussion Guidelines on the Student Resource Center program page:



Watson’s Theory of Human Caring

Hello Professor and class,

The Combs and Arnold article addresses a significant social and health issue of trafficking. I feel as if the authors compare the practice to present time slavery and associate it with sexual exploitation and forced labor. Therefore, they are designed as a research study aimed to empower health care providers identify victims of human trafficking and  providing holistic care to this patient population. Combs and Arnold choose Watson’s Theory of Human Caring or Caring Science as the foundation in developing guidelines for mindful and authentic……please click the icon below to access entire solutionk at $10