(Solutions) NRNP 6552 Module 1 Assignment: Taking a Health History

Module 1 Assignment: Taking a Health History: Building a Health History: Asking Difficult Questions


The first step in the nursing process is taking the health history of the patient for further understanding of their reason behind visiting the hospital. It involves collecting important personal information from the patient which is used in clinical reasoning and decision making. It may involve asking the patient difficult questions which require appropriate communication skills and the application of appropriate professional competencies (Kruse et al., 2018). This paper demonstrates a script for building the health history of a volunteer playing the role of a patient.

Part 1: A-Health History

Personal Information

  • What is your name?
  • How old are you?
  • What is your marital status?
  • Where do you stay?

Personal Health History

  • Do you have any chronic illnesses?
  • Did you have any childhood illnesses?
  • What are your current physical symptoms?
  • Are you taking any medication now?

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