SOLUTION: SPH205 Module 3- Written Assignment


Identify a situation where stereotypes (as a schemata used in organizing perceptions) may be useful and helpful in a communication situation. Next, identify a situation in which that same stereotype becomes unproductive and perhaps damaging. Look for both the useful and necessary aspects of stereotyping, as well as the negative connotations this term often carries. That is, stereotypes allow humans to make predictions about situations and people, and that this is a necessary process so we are not constantly overwhelmed with new information. However, this can be unproductive if we do not continually seek to engage in person-centeredness to distinguish people from the social groups that categorize them. Your response should be a one-page (300-350 words) report that makes informed references from this module’s materials.


Module 3 Written Assignment

A situation in which stereotypes can be helpful and useful in a communication situation is the assumption that Asians are highly intelligent and smart; this can be helpful when selecting an individual based on their race. Stereotypes are generalized beliefs that are broadly held regarding a given category of people which either be true or untrue but are accepted as a general convention. For this reason, it can be viewed as a situation where some stereotypes are unproductive and perhaps detrimental;……..please click the icon below to access entire solution at $10