SOLUTION: SPH205 Module 3 Nonverbal Communication


Consider a recent communication exchange that you either had or witnessed. Some examples might include a customer and salesperson at the local coffee shop, a meeting with your boss, or two people competing for the same parking spot in the mall. What types of nonverbal cues were present? Apply the terms from your readings about the types of nonverbal communication you observe and what you think they mean in this particular interaction. If there was verbal communication, which one was louder: the verbal or nonverbal communication? Why do you think that was? Is it easy to read and interpret nonverbal cues?


Hello professor and class,

At my place of work, I recently encountered an argument between my colleague and our boss, regarding working extra hours on account of labor shortages in our organization. Working overtime is not mandatory as per our organizational policy but given the extra workload, it became necessary for some employees toward double shifts. ……please click the icon below to accessk entire soliution at $5