(Solution) PSYC 290N Week 5: Young/Middle/Late Adulthood

PSYC 290N Week 5 Course Project II: My Virtual Life – Young/Middle/Late Adulthood: Section 1-19 to 22 years


  1. What are some behaviors or choices that you have a tendency to do (habits, perceptions, stress or other health-detrimental aspects of your life) that you might need to work on? How might these serve as obstacles to later life success?
  2. What kinds of social behaviors in your pre-college days do you see as related to the behaviors you display now, in college? Make a list of “good behaviors” and “bad behaviors”. Do these map onto “good outcomes” and “bad outcomes?” How or why?
  3. What are some good decisions that you can make in your life NOW that you hope will continue to lead you to good outcomes down the road? Think about enhancing health, emotional well-being, relationships and social behaviors, and even identity choices and personal values that would play a role in later stages of your development
  4. What parts of development do you predict might stay the same as you move into and through your adulthood years? What might influence this stability as you mature?
  5. Think of some aspects of personality or cognition and development that might change as you grow older. Do you expect more influence of nature/genetics or nurture/experience in these areas of your development? How would one know whether nature or nurture plays more of a role in these aspects of change over time?
  6. In your Virtual Life, you had two children; what sorts of factors might lead individuals to NOT raise children in their lifetime, whether by personal choice or not? Regarding intentional choices to not have children, what sorts of variables within your control would you take into consideration?


1.       What are some behaviors or choices that you have a tendency to do (habits, perceptions, stress or other health-detrimental aspects of your life) that you might need to work on? How might these serve as obstacles to later life success?

My lack of financial prudence has led to some poor choices. I opted to spend a year at a community college before moving away for university and sharing a house with several friends, rather than remaining at home and completing an associate’s degree first. In the future, when I am in financial hardship as a result of my own poor financial choices as a young adult, I will appreciate the worth of a dollar like never before. Even if you work full-time and go to school full-time, it will take a long to pay off your debt. Family is very important to me, which is why I choose to spend my holiday with them. Knowing how fleeting life is, I value quality time spent with loved ones above all else……..

  • years = 4 Points

5. In your Virtual Life, you had two children; what sorts of factors might lead individuals to NOT raise children in their lifetime, whether by personal choice or not? Regarding intentional choices to not have children, what sorts of variables within your control would you take into consideration?

Plenty of people choose to not have children for various reasons. Personal choices include not wanting children, not being financially stable, wanting to travel and experience life, not wanting the responsibility of children, one’s partner does not want children, and not wanting children to experience pain and hardships the parent faced.…..please click the purchase button below to access the entire solution at $10