(Solution) PRAC 6531 Week 10 Assignment 2; Journal Entry -Nursing

Week 10 Assignment 2; Journal Entry 

This week, you will write a Journal Entry (450-500 words), reflecting on your clinical strengths and opportunities for improvement.

By Day 7 of Week 10

Submit your Journal Entry Assignment.

See the weekly Assignment 2 area for details.


Week 10 Journal Entry

This week I will be discussing two military veterans that are having problem with adjusting to normal society after coming home from the Iraqi war. They are both having behavioral and substance abuse problem. As a matter of fact, they were ordered to seek therapy help by the court after unruly behavior episodes by the at a community center in the city. Their session takes place 3-days a week. This entry will contain medical history, psychiatric or mental illness history, DSM-5 diagnosis, and ethical or legal problems that may arise.

Patient # 1

Patient 1 is a Caucasian male of age 35-years and has been back from the Iraq war about 5- years ago hence the history of PTSD was there in his medical records.…..please click the icon below to purchase the solution at $10