(Solution) NR544 Week 7 Project Presentation of a Patient Safety Issue and Resolution


NR544: Quality and Safety in Healthcare

Video Presentation

Content: The video presentation is to include the following elements.

  • Content
    • Introduction of self
    • Presentation of healthcare quality concern
    • Presentation of student-identified solution to the healthcare quality concern
    • Summary
    • Information is relevant to healthcare concern and its solution
  • Method of Delivery
    • Effective opening
    • Stayed connected to audience
    • Grammar was correct
  • Style of Delivery
    • Eye contact
    • Voice clarity
    • Gestures
    • Appearance

Preparing the Assignment

Criteria for Format and Special Instructions

  1. The video presentation will be recorded via the use of Kaltura. Review the Kaltura instructional videos located in Resources prior to recording your assignment.
  2. The video presentation will last a minimum of 4-5 minutes and no longer than 5 minutes.
  3. Using a different method of recording will be subject to a 20-point deduction of the total grade.
