(Solution) NR537 Week 3 Discussion: Collaboration Café -Test Blueprint


NR 537 Assessment And Evaluation In Education

Week 3 Discussion: Collaboration Café

A peer nurse educator states that he would never use a test blueprint, because it makes the test too easy for the learner because the learner would know how many questions would come from each content area. Decide if you agree or disagree with this statement, and then present a rationale for your viewpoint regarding test blueprints.


As for the claim that providing students with a test design makes exams too simple, I strongly disagree. The instructor is apparently concerned that the student will figure out how many questions come from certain parts of the material. This might be the case, but they still have no idea what information from each chapter they will be tested on. The teacher is making sure the student is being asked pertinent questions about the material.……please click the icon below to purchase the solution at $5