SOLUTION; NR532 Week 1: Assessing Self as Leader


NR532: Healthcare Operational Planning and Management


Determine your leadership style using the following link to the Blake and Mouton Managerial Grid: Leadership Self-Assessment Questionnaire

Compare your style to one of the following leadership approaches: mindful leadership, compassionate leadership, and appreciative leadership. Discuss the similarities and differences and address the following:

  • Share how your leadership style conforms to the characteristics of a transformational, transactional, or full-range leadership type.
  • How will you integrate characteristics of the identified leadership approach into your leadership style?
  • How does this integration inform your development as a transformational leader?

MSN Threaded Discussion Guidelines and Grading Rubric



The Blake and Mouton managerial grid measures concerns over two major categories which include a leader’s concerns over work results and their concerns over workers. The grid then shows how a leader integrates these elements together which results in a leadership style of team leader, country club leader, impoverished leader, or authoritarian leader (Tomita, 2021). After taking the Blake and Mouton managerial quiz……… please click the icon below to access entire solution at $5