(Solution) NR531 Week 7: Quality Management and Control -SLMC


NR 531 Nursing Leadership In Healthcare Organizations


SLMC has a continuous commitment to delivering the highest quality care by addressing crucial issues, such as patient safety, technology, and expanding services to meet community needs. As the nurse administrator, you determine an audit of elderly patient readmissions would be helpful data to be gathered. Discuss some of the specific information you would include on this tool and how specifically you would proceed with this project and your rationale for including them in the tool. Whom would collect the data?

After reading about Deming’s 14 Total Quality Management principles, state one management principle you would apply to assist in delivering the highest quality care?


Every hospital has a strategy for seeking improvements in terms of technology, patient safety policies, and growing services within the community to better assist people in need. Readmissions of elderly patients seem to be a concern for most hospitals. We continuously observe readmissions for a variety of causes. such include health deteriorating even worse, AMAs, releasing patients before they have had a chance to recuperate, turnaround delays, and a lack of places to put patients owing to overcrowding. As a nurse administrator, I would try to find a mechanism to get information regarding readmissions that happen often. I would review the elderly patients who were admitted to my institution during the previous 30 days.…….please follow the link below to access entire solution at $5