(Solution) NR531 Week 5: Management of Power -Leadership -nr531


NR 531 Nursing Leadership In Healthcare Organizations


Preparing the Paper

Note: Use the resources on the assignment page related to SLMC to assist in completion of this assignment, as required.

  1. Clearly introduce your assignment and discuss power in the introduction paragraph. Include a sentence that states the purpose of your paper.
  2. Clearly identify and articulate leadership styles (at least two) to support your management of power in your role as the nurse executive at SLMC. State how power would be wielded in each and which you prefer; including your rationale.
  3. Clearly compare and contrast the effect of organizational structures (at least two structures) that may influence how you manage power at SLMC. State how power would be wielded in each and which you prefer; including your rationale.
  4. Include of a minimum of three sources of scholarly, empirical evidence. See resources on the assignment page related to SLMC if you need to review the information.
  5. Provide concluding statements that should summarize your overall assignment content.
  6. The paper should be no longer than three pages maximum,excluding title and reference pages.
  7. Title and reference pages must be in APA format using the sixth edition manual.

Use 12 point, Times New Roman font and one-inch margins on all sides of the paper.



Power is the capacity to carry out a planned task, to put it simply. Nurse leaders in healthcare companies empower employees in a variety of ways, including by giving them chances for learning, cultivating a leadership culture, and including them in decision-making (Marquis & Huston, 2017)……

Leadership Theories

A particular leader inside an organization may think about using coercive power, expert power, legitimate power, reward power, and information power, according to Marquis & Huston (2017).…..

Organizational Structure

The centralized and flat organizational structures may influence power management at SLMC. According to Kaufmann, Borry & DeHartDavis (2019), status of power is defined and….….please follow the link below to access entire solution at $10