(Solution) NR511 Week 7 Submission: iHuman Virtual Patient Encounter – Knee Pain


NR511 Differential Diagnosis and Primary Care Practicum

Once you have completed the iHuman Case for knee pain, submit your Case Study completion score sheet and reflection on a separate Word document.

If you have not completed the iHuman Activity yet, please go to the Week 7 Activity: iHuman Virtual Patient Encounter – Knee Pain assignment for instructions and access to iHuman.



A .Identifying differential diagnosis

Diagnosis results from a complex process centered on a patient; it involves collaborating with the client and other clinical information sources to reason backward about the potential health problems causing the patient’s present condition.

According to nih.org, diagnosis is one of many crucial components of the clinical decision-making process for healthcare providers. It is earmarked by the differentiation of competing structures for a definitive comprehension of the patient’s presenting health issues. The diagnostic process consists of identifying and determining the etiology of a disease or condition through evaluation of patient history, physical examination, review of laboratory data or diagnostic imaging, and the subsequent descriptive title of that finding.…….please click the icon below to access entire solution at $15