(Solution) NR511 Week 3 Assignment: SNAPPS Presentation


NR511 Differential Diagnosis and Primary Care Practicum

Preparing the Assignment

Follow these guidelines when completing each component of the assignment. Contact your course faculty if you have questions.

This assignment has two components: a recorded presentation via Kaltura using the 6-step learner-centered SNAPPS model and a written summary of an identified self-directed learning issue. Complete the following requirements:

  1. Select a client seen in the clinical setting for a single, problem-focused (acute) visit. If you have not seen any clients in the clinical setting who match these criteria, reach out to course faculty for guidance on completing the assignment.
  2. Prepare a 5-7 minute recorded oral presentation using the SNAPPS format to mimic a real preceptor presentation. Slides are not required for the presentation.
    1. Use the SNAPPS Template for Oral PresentationLinks to an external site. to organize client data.  Include the following:
      1. Briefly summarize the client’s chief complaint and include pertinent history of present illness (HPI), review of systems (ROS), and physical examination (PE) findings.
      2. Present three differential diagnoses relative to the pertinent positive and negative findings. All diagnoses should be relevant to the chief complaint.
      3. Analyze the differentials diagnosis and provide details regarding what signs or symptoms makes each diagnosis likely or unlikely. Rank the diagnoses in order from most likely to least likely.
      4. Identify three questions directly related to the case that you did (or would) ask your preceptor about uncertainties, difficulties with the process, or alternative approaches.
      5. Provide a novice-level treatment plan, including how you confirmed the diagnosis, medications chosen with dosage and frequency, patient education, and follow-up. Include considerations for cost, availability, or client preferences in the treatment selection.
      6. Identify a self-directed learning topic to investigate further. The topic should be a topic that you want to know more about that relates to the condition but is not the condition.
    2. Share your Kaltura recording to the Week 3 SNAPPS open forum.
  3. Use the SNAPPS Written Assignment Template Links to an external site. to record a summary of your research for the self-directed learning topic.
    1. Summarize your topic in 5-7 paragraphs.
    2. Include a reflection of how you will apply the learning to practice.
    3. Include at least three evidence-based, scholarly sources.
    4. Use correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling
    5. Use in-text citations and reference page following current edition APA Style.
    6. Submit your completed written assignment to the Week 3 Dropbox.


Why is the rapid diagnosis of strep pharyngitis preferred over the traditional culture and sensitivity test?

Accurate and rapid diagnosis of Group A Strep, according to nih.org, is crucial with the necessity that throat and skin infections could result in worst severe life-threatening health conditions as well as immune-mediated and post-infection complications if not adequately treated

In the 1990s,  according to aafp.org, the infectious disease community did a great job developing “expert” knowledge that recommends follow-up cultures for negative strep tests. It also became common practice in primary care to rely solely on the rapid strep test.…….please click the icon below to access entire solution at $20