(Solution) NR511 Week 1: Collaboration Café


NR511 Differential Diagnosis and Primary Care Practicum

Preparing the Assignment

Follow these guidelines when completing each component of the assignment. Contact your course faculty if you have questions.

Initial Post
  1. Provide the following information for each clinical site (if more than one, list each separately):
    1. Name of site
    2. Location (city, state)
    3. Type of practice (i.e., IM, Peds, FP)
    4. Age restrictions of clients, if any (i.e., this office does not see children under the age of 12, etc.)
    5. Anticipated clinical schedule
    6. Number of students precepted by the preceptor(s) at the same time
  2. What are your goals for practicum?
    1. What are your goals for the first day?
    2. What do you hope to achieve by the end of the session?
    3. Review the Family Nurse Practitioner Practicum Procedures and Experiences List Download List. How can you use this document to help guide your first clinical rotation?
  3. Discuss your feelings about starting your first practicum rotation:
    1. How do you expect the experience will compare to undergraduate clinical rotations? What qualities will be the same, and what will be different?
    2. What adjectives describe how you will meet the opportunities and challenges of your practicum?
    3. Identify two factors that may bar your success in completing clinical requirements. Identify two facilitators to overcome the identified barriers and support your success in completing clinical requirements.
  4. The use of evidence-based guidelines is essential for practice. Discuss three resources will you use in the clinical setting to identify the most recent clinical practice guidelines.


Practical Preparedness

  1. Provide the following information for each practicum site
  2. Name of site: Sancta Familia Medical Apostolate
  3. Location (City, State): Omaha, Nebraska
  4. Type of practice (IM, Peds, FP): Family Practice, Peds, Geriatrics, basic Ob/Gyn care
  5. Age Restriction: There is no age restriction
  6. Anticipated clinical schedule: 08:00 to 20:00 hours. Monday – Friday.
  7. Number of students precepted by the preceptor at the same time: I am the only student under my preceptor.


  1. What are your goals for practicum? 
  2. What are your goals for the first day?

The first day will present the beginning of an exciting time as a nurse practitioner student. Undoubtedly, the day will be intimidating, but it is worth making it worthwhile. It will help me to get off to a fantastic start (Sharp, 2018). My goals to achieve such a start include arriving early……please click the icon below to access entire solution at $10