(Solution) NR439 Week 6 Discussion: Data Analysis and Results (graded)

Discussion Questions


Data analysis is key for discovering credible findings from implementing nursing studies. Discussion and conclusions can be made about the meaning of the findings from the data analysis.

  • Share what you learned about descriptive analysis (statistics), inferential analysis (statistics), and qualitative analysis of data; include something that you learned that was interesting to you and your thoughts on why data analysis is necessary for discovering credible findings for nursing.
  • Compare clinical significance and statistical significance; include which one is more meaningful to you when considering application of findings to nursing practice.


In descriptive analysis, information is used to characterize everything with “meaning.” A descriptive data summary’s goals include describing the study’s sample and variables, showing their similarities and differences, and offering further context (Houser, 2018). It is usual practice to use a statistically valid sample of the data to characterize the study population when doing an inferential analysis. Researchers may use them to determine how likely a random mistake led to the finding, and readers of the study report can use them to understand the effect size (Houser,2018). …….please click the icon below to purchase full solution at $5