(Solution) NR439 Week 1 Discussion: Introduction to Evidence-based Practice (graded)

Discussion Questions


We begin our journey into discovering the new world of research and evidence-based practice (EBP) by exploring our past. After completing the required readings and lesson, answer the following:

  • Explain how research has evolved since the Florence Nightingale era.
  • Discuss how research and EBP are different; include how you believe research supports EBP for nursing.
  • Describe one past/historical unethical breach of research conduct; then, share how you would ensure care of a study participant using one ethical or legal research consideration (guideline/principle).


Florence Nightingale pioneered the idea of using scientific research as a foundation for nursing practice more than 150 years ago. Nightingale’s research was centered on gathering data on the aspects that influenced military death and illness during the Crimean War. With the use of these scientific findings, she was able to revolutionize nursing practice. The years after Nightingale’s achievements saw little scientific study in nursing because nursing education was mostly achieved through apprenticeship rather than intellectual effort.……..please click the icon below to purchase full solution at $5