(Solution) NR393 Week 6 Assignment: Registered Nurse (RN) Interview


NR393 Nursing History – UPDATED

Preparing the Assignment

Follow these guidelines when completing each component of the assignment. Contact your course faculty if you have questions.


Complete this assignment following the steps below.

  1. Download the RN Interview templateLinks to an external site.Open this document with ReadSpeaker docReader . Use of the template is required. If the template is not used, a 10% deduction will be applied. See the rubric. Save the template and include your name in the file name.
  2. Select one registered nurse (RN) you know who is creating nursing history today to interview for this assignment.
    1.  The selected RN must be licensed and have at least 1 year of full-time nursing experience.
    2. The RN may be a family member, friend, colleague, acquaintance, manager, former instructor, or other nurse who is creating, delivering, or influencing the practice of nursing in your area. Do not select a former or current client.
    3. Remember that all nurses make history in their own ways, not just in publishing books or journal articles or leading large health systems.
    4. The selected RN must give verbal consent to be interviewed.
    5. Establish a date, time, and location to interview the RN. Interviews may be conducted face-to-face, over the phone, or via a virtual platform.
  3. Conduct the RN interview on the pre-planned date and time.
    1. You may NOT provide the questions to the RN and ask the RN to provide written or typed answers.
    2. The interview questions are provided for you on the RN Interview Assignment template. These are the questions that must be included in the interview.
    3. The interview should be conversational. You are welcome to ask additional questions for clarification.
    4. At the interview’s close, verbalize a clear and specific statement of gratitude for the RN’s time and responses.
  4. Summarize the RN’s response to each question on the RN Interview assignment template.
    1. Ensure that your summary of the RN’s responses is clear and thorough.
    2. The summary should be a minimum of 2-3 sentences in length for each question, indicating adequate depth of response.
  5. On the RN Interview assignment template, complete the personal reflection questions.
    1. Answers to the personal reflection questions should be at least 3-5 sentences in length for each question, indicating a deeper reflection on the meaning of the interview.
    2. As you complete the personal reflection questions, consider how the RN’s experiences and insights can be applied to your nursing practice.
  6. Select at least one scholarly source from the Chamberlain Library to support your reflection responses.
  7. Correctly cite and reference ideas and information that come from scholarly literature, including the permalink from the Chamberlain Library. Sources should be no more than five years old.
  8. Follow grammar, spelling, word usage, and punctuation rules consistent with formal, scholarly writing.
  9. Abide by Chamberlain University’s academic integrity policy.
  10. Submit to Canvas for grading as a Microsoft Word (.docx) file.

Include the following sections (detailed criteria listed below and in the grading rubric).

  1. RN Introduction
    1. State the selected RN’s first and last name.
    2. State the selected RN’s credentials (e.g., BSN, RN, FNP, DNP, etc.).
    3. State the specific number of years the selected nurse has been an RN (must be at least 1 year).
    4. State the selected RN’s practice area(s) during the nurse’s career.
  2. Relationship and Rationale
    1. Describe how long you have known the selected RN.
    2. Describe how you met the selected RN.
    3. Explain why the selected RN was chosen for this assignment.
    4. Explain how you believe the selected RN is making nursing history.
  3. Summary of RN Responses
    1. Summarize the nurse’s response to each of the ten provided interview questions from the RN Interview assignment template.
    2. Provide a clear and thorough summary of the RN’s response to each interview question.
    3. The summary should be a minimum of 2-3 sentences in length for each question, indicating adequate depth of response.
  4. Reflection
    1. Respond to each of the reflection questions from the RN interview assignment template.
    2. Share insights gained from the interview, including application to your nursing practice.
    3. Each reflection response should be at least 3-5 sentences in length, indicating a deeper reflection on the meaning of the interview.
    4. Utilize at least one scholarly source from the Chamberlain Library supporting your reflection responses, including proper APA in-text citations and references.



NR393 Week 6

RN Interview Assignment Template


Directions: Review the Week 6 Assignment: Registered Nurse (RN) Interview guidelines and grading rubric posted in Canvas as your guide to complete this template.


RN Introduction

  1. State the selected RN’s first and last name and credentials.

Mitchel Johns is the selected Registered Nurse


  1. State the specific number of years the selected nurse has been an RN (must be at least one year).

Over the last five years, Mitchel Johns has worked as a registered nurse.

  1. State the selected RN’s practice area(s) during the nurse’s career.

Mental health serves as Mitchel Johns’ field of work.

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