(Solution) NR393 Week 2 Assignment: Lessons from Nightingale’s Notes on Nursing


NR393 W2 Notes on Nursing Assignment Rubric
NR393 W2 Notes on Nursing Assignment Rubric
Criteria Ratings Pts

Nightingale’s Approach from Notes on Nursing

4 Required Criteria

1. Select one topic/chapter from Florence Nightingale’s Notes on Nursing.

2. Describe one intervention related to your selected topic from Florence Nightingale’s Notes on Nursing.

3. Explain Florence Nightingale’s rationale for this intervention.

4. Incorporate one direct quote from Notes on Nursing to support the intervention or rationale. Use an APA in-text citation.

38 pts

All requirements met.

35 pts

Very Good
3 requirements met.

32 pts

2 requirements met.

19 pts

Needs Improvement
1 requirement met.

0 pts

No requirements met.
38 pts

Current Nursing Practice

4 Required Criteria

1. Discuss the same topic as selected from Florence Nightingale’s Notes on Nursing.

2. Describe one current nursing intervention related to your selected topic.

3. Explain the evidence-based rationale for this intervention.

4. Provide an APA in-text citation from your scholarly article to support the intervention or rationale.

38 pts

All requirements met.

35 pts

Very Good
3 requirements met.

32 pts

2 requirements met.

19 pts

Needs Improvement
1 requirement met.

0 pts

No requirements met.
38 pts

Similarities and Differences

3 Required Criteria

1. Compare and contrast the interventions and rationales pertaining to the selected topic.

2. Discuss at least one similarity between Nightingale’s recommendations from 1860 and current nursing practice.

3. Discuss at least one difference between Nightingale’s recommendations from 1860 and current nursing practice.

38 pts

All requirements met.

32 pts

2 requirements met.

19 pts

Needs Improvement
1 requirement met.

0 pts

No requirements met.
38 pts


4 Required Criteria

1. Explain why the topic was selected.

2. Describe the benefits of incorporating Florence Nightingale’s Notes on Nursing into your nursing practice.

3. Explain the challenges of incorporating Florence Nightingale’s Notes on Nursing into your nursing practice.

4. Describe how Florence Nightingale’s Notes on Nursing will impact you professionally in the future.

41 pts

All requirements met.

37 pts

Very Good
3 requirements met.

34 pts

2 requirements met.

21 pts

Needs Improvement
1 requirement met.

0 pts

No requirements met.
41 pts

Citation and Reference Formation

Use the current APA Style standards to format citations and references and is free of errors. Includes the permalink from the Chamberlain Library for the scholarly peer-reviewed article.

10 pts

0-1 error(s).

9 pts

Very Good
2-3 errors.

8 pts

4-5 errors.

5 pts

Needs Improvement
6-7 errors.

0 pts

More than 7 errors.
10 pts

Writing Requirements

Communicate with minimal errors in English grammar, spelling, syntax, and punctuation.

10 pts

0-1 error(s).

9 pts

Very Good
2-3 errors.

8 pts

4-5 errors.

5 pts

Needs Improvement
6-7 errors.

0 pts

More than 7 errors.
10 pts

Template Use

0 pts

No Points Deducted
Correct template used.

0 pts

Points Deducted (-10%)
17.5 points deducted (10%) for incorrect or no template used.
0 pts

Late Deduction

0 pts

No Points Deducted
Submitted on time.

0 pts

Points Deducted (5% per day)
Not Submitted on Time 1 day late = 8.75 deduction; 2 days late = 17.5 deduction; 3 days late = 26.25 deduction; 4 days late = 35 deduction; 5 days late = 43.75 deduction; 6 days late = 52.5 deduction; 7 days late = 61.25 deduction; Score of 0 if more than 7 days late
0 pts
Total Points: 175


NR393 Week 2

Lessons from Nightingale’s Notes on Nursing

Name: ……

Directions: Access Nightingale’s Notes on Nursing and select one topic/chapter. Using the Chamberlain Library, find one peer-reviewed scholarly article related to current nursing practice on your selected topic. Refer to the Week 2 assignment guidelines for complete information. Use this template to complete the Lessons from Nightingale’s Notes on Nursing assignment.


  • Answer the questions under each section with explanation and detail. Use complete sentences throughout.
  • Correctly cite and reference Nightingale’s Notes on Nursing and the peer-reviewed scholarly article (including the permalink) from the Chamberlain Library.



Chapter number from Notes on Nursing:

Nightingale’s approach from Notes on Nursing Current nursing practice
Intervention according to Nightingale:

One key intervention from Florence Nightingale’s Notes on Nursing is the use of damp cloth wiping to effectively remove dust and organic matter from surfaces in a room. She critiques conventional dusting methods, which merely redistribute dust, and emphasizes that wiping with a damp cloth ensures dust is fully removed (Nightingale, 2020). This approach minimizes the accumulation of harmful particles, improving air quality and preventing musty odors. Nightingale underscores the importance of using washable, non-absorbent materials for furniture and walls to support thorough cleaning and maintain a hygienic environment, especially in sickrooms (Nightingale, 2020).


Intervention according to current research:

A current nursing intervention related to the cleanliness of rooms and walls involves the routine use of disinfectants to clean surfaces in hospital settings. Nurses clean high-touch surfaces, such as bedrails, light switches, and furniture, with hospital-grade disinfectants to reduce the spread of pathogens (Assadian et al., 2021). This practice aligns with infection control protocols and helps prevent healthcare-associated infections. According to Nightingale’s principles, maintaining a clean environment is essential for patient recovery. Modern disinfectants effectively remove both dust and bacteria, ensuring a hygienic and safe space for patients.











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