NR393 Nursing History – UPDATED
Preparing the Collaboration Café
Follow these guidelines when completing each component of the Collaboration Café. Abide by Chamberlain University’s academic integrity policy. Contact your course faculty if you have questions.
Collaboration Café: Reflect on Knowledge
Step 1: Reflect on this week’s lesson.
Step 2: Answer all questions below with explanations and details that indicate thoughtful reflection. No scholarly sources are required.
Paragraph one: Reflect on the long history of nursing through the lens of this week’s lesson. What is something new you learned this week or something that surprised you about nursing history or Chamberlain’s own unique history?
Paragraph two: The current image of nursing has evolved throughout history. How does your image of nursing differ from the image of nursing that you may have seen portrayed through media or other public sources?
Paragraph three: History drives the future. How will today’s actions and views of nursing influence the future of nursing?
Paragraph one: Reflect on the long history of nursing through the lens of this week’s lesson. What is something new you learned this week or something that surprised you about nursing history or Chamberlain’s own unique history?
- Nursing has been around for a very long time. As I was reading through the notes on the history of Chamberlain, I was not aware of all of the different names that Chamberlain has been called through the years dating back to the 1880s. Even though the University has been called different things, it still is dedicated to graduating nurses that will have major impacts on people every day………Please click the icon below to access entire solution at $5