SOLUTION: NR351 Week 7: Discussion: Leaders and Systems-Based Practice (Graded)


Leaders use systems-based practice to empower other nurses. Considering your current or former clinical setting, share how you will use principles of systems-based practice to grow in your role as a leader in nursing. Include a scholarly outside source to support your answer.


Systems-based practice is one of the most essential aspects of nursing, where one is to understand and manage systems in health and health care to produce the best quality care for the patient. Applying the principles of systems-based practice to a nursing professional’s life would immensely enrich their leadership ability in overseeing proper management of their team and patient care. 

The system-based practice has been one of the fundamental principles throughout the application of my practice in the current clinical setting to face the complexities involved in healthcare delivery. ……please click the icon below to access entire solution at $5