(Solution) NR 602 Week 2 (Activity & Submission): iHuman Case 2



The iHuman assignments provide students with an opportunity to experience clinical scenarios that are relevant to the lesson content through virtual patient encounters. iHuman is a highly interactive and a dynamic way to enhance your learning.

Activity Learning Outcomes

Through this assignment, the student will demonstrate the ability to:

  1. Utilize interactive simulation technology to reinforce assessment and diagnostic reasoning skills in the care of a woman or pediatric patient (CO4).

  1. Complete the week 2 module content prior to starting the iHuman assignment.
  2. Access iHuman by clicking the link provided below. Clicking the blue bar will launch the activity in a new browser window.
  3. Complete the case titled Case 2.
    • This week your patient is a 25-year old woman presenting with symptoms of dysuria and vaginal discharge.
  1. Once you complete the case, click “Submit.”
  2. You will submit your iHuman Case Study completion score sheet to the corresponding iHuman submission assignment.

In NR602, iHuman assignments will be assessed on the following areas: History Taking, Physical Exam, Differential Diagnoses, Rank diagnoses, MNM (must not miss) Diagnoses, Order tests, Final Diagnosis, Management Plan. A score of 80% or better is your target with this assignment. You will have (2) two attempts; the highest score of two attempts will be taken as the final grade.


Week 2: Submission: iHuman Case 2

Observations: Discharge- yellow, kind of mucousy, kind of creamy some smelly Skin: Pink, warm, moist

CC: Burning during voiding and vaginal discharge

HPI (History of Present Illness):

Patient presents with a 2-day history of on urination and urinary frequency. She denies fever, chills, myalgia etc. She denies any prior history of UTI’s, however, does have a new boyfriend and they have been very sexually active.

PMH (Previous Medical History):

Allergies: NKDA

Other active problems: None

Medical , surgical , obstetric , hospitalizations: None

Preventive Health: Last Pap smear 1 year ago: no Hx of abnormal results Previous screening for STDs

Immunizations: No previous HPV vaccination

General immunization status: the patient thinks she is up to date.

Medications: Oral contraceptive pills (OCP): ethinyl estradiol/drospirenone Ibuprofen for menstrual cramps

Family History:

Mother: diabetes mellitus (DM)

Father: hypertension (HTN), coronary artery disease (CAD), hyperlipidemia Older sister: Alive and well…………please click the purchase button below to access the entire solution at $20