(Solution) NR 554 Week 5 Discussion: Leader Responsibility to Influence and Inform Healthcare Policy


Discuss the main task of leaders’ responsibility related to influencing and informing healthcare policy issues and how you will apply these tasks within your current role and/or expected role after graduation.


Nurses are the front-line caregivers in our health system, [which] gives them a unique and invaluable perspective on patient care,” Dr. Hassmiller said. “They see firsthand the gaps in the healthcare system and the consequences of those gaps. They see where improvements are needed to increase access, promote prevention, coordinate care, and improve the quality and efficiency of healthcare.” It is important for nursing leaders to remember that political decisions and social policy initiatives have an impact on nursing practice. Nursing leaders need to attain a place at the table where policy decisions are made to have a say in the policies that govern nursing.

Nursing leaders who understand policy development are well equipped to influence decision-making about professional practice issues in their workplaces and to contribute to the development of health and nursing policy. Leaders in healthcare policy should learn how policy is developed and seek out areas of policy they want to influence. Their influence in healthcare policies protects patient safety, increases the quality of care, facilitates their access to required resources, and promotes quality health care.

Nurse leaders involved in the policy process need to develop creative approaches to connect the concept of practice to policy (Mund, 2012). Creative approaches may include utilizing several different avenues to get involved. Membership and involvement in professional organizations and coalitions is an excellent source of involvement. Membership in these organizations provides nurses and nurse leaders with a voice when healthcare issues are being discussed and changes are proposed at all levels in healthcare policy. Nurses also should serve actively on advisory committees, commissions, and boards where policy decisions are made to advance health systems to improve patient care. Nursing leaders must build new partnerships with other clinicians, elected officials, the public, and individuals not involved in healthcare to help realize these improvements.…please click the purchase button below to access the entire solution at $10