(Solution) NR 512 Week 2 Discussion: Wisdom Versus Judgement


NR 512 Fundamentals Of Nursing Informatics


How does the concept of wisdom in nursing informatics compare to the concept of professional nursing judgment? What is DIKW & how do you “use” it in your practice?


Bringing together elements of nursing, information science, and computer science, nursing informatics is a relatively new field. Knowledge is the foundation of wisdom, and knowledge is gained through experience. Wisdom is the ability to use information in order to monitor and address people’s problems (Matney, Staggers, & Avant, 2016). In nursing, informatic wisdom is described as the use of relevant and useful information gained through experience, education, and reflection in a way that demonstrates sound judgment and good sense (McGonigle, 2015).……….please click the button below to purchase the solution at $5