(Solution) NR 505NP Week 3 Discussion: Quantitative Research


NR 505NP Advanced Research Methods: Evidence-Based Practice


With new information continually emerging, professional nurses must be equipped to critique scholarly literature and discern its value for practice. Select one current, quantitative scholarly nursing article related to your PICOT question and determine its strengths, limitations, and potential application.

Complete the Johns Hopkins Nursing Evidence Based Practice Appendix E Evidence Appraisal Tool. Once you’ve completed the tool, use your own words to summarize your appraisal of the article. Include the following:

  • Description of the purpose
  • Explanation of research design
  • Discussion of sample
  • Description of data collection methods
  • Summary of findings
  • Strengths of the study (minimum of 1)
  • Limitations of the study (minimum of 1)
  • Recommendations regarding potential application for future practice that are insightful and

Attach the article to your post, in addition to including the full reference for the article in your post.

During the week, read a minimum of two articles posted by peers and add your thoughts about whether you feel their article would support an EBP change.

**To view the grading criteria/rubric, please click on the 3 dots in the box at the end of the solid gray bar above the discussion board title and then Show Rubric


PICOT Question

What are the barriers for providers when using the teach back method during discharge for patients with chronic disease in the Emergency Department, and how can the teach-back method be utilized more effectively by providers in reducing readmissions?



DeSai, C., Janowiak, K., Secheli, B., Phelps, E., McDonald, S., Reed, G., & Blomkalns, A. (2021). Empowering patients: simplifying discharge instructions..….please click the purchase button below to access the entire solution at $10