(Solution) NR 500 Week 7 Discussion: Incivility & Healthful Environments


NR 500NP Foundational Concepts And Applications


Reflect on an experience in which you were directly involved or witnessed incivility in the workplace. Provide a brief synopsis of the situation. How did this make you feel? How did you respond? What were the consequences of this situation? Provide an example of how this negatively affected the work environment and outcomes. How could the situation have been prevented? Discuss strategies that would support a healthy work environment.


Nurses eat their young, is a statement that has been tossed around for many years in the nursing world. Bullying within healthcare continues to be prevalent as nurses are becoming increasing demeaning in how they treat and interact with their fellow nursing colleagues or new graduate nurses. McNamara (2012) defines incivility as the act of being discourteous or acting in a rude or disruptive manner towards another individual. As part of making sure the facility maintains a culture of safety within the workplace, nurses must make others aware that these behaviors are taking place, thus developing a strategic plan for which will create a more conducive work environment at all levels within the facility.

Synopsis of Situation

I can recall at time while working in the Emergency Room (ER) I witnessed a preceptor bully her new orientee. I was documenting on my patients when I could hear the preceptor yelling at the orientee that she was taking too long to call report for the patient due to transfer. The orientee, stated to her preceptor that she was running behind due to an issue with one of their patients and that situation took priority over giving report at that time. The preceptor began scolding her for not informing her as to the status of the other patients they were responsible at that particular time. The orientee attempted several times to explain the situation to the preceptor but she was not willing to hear what she was had to say. The orientee just walked away and began taking care of her assigned patients….please click the purchase button below to access the entire solution at $10