(Solution) NR 451 Discussion Week 8: Your Nursing Destiny


NR 451 RN Capstone Course


Now that each one of you is very close to completing this major accomplishment in your nursing career, please share your professional development plans to keep up to date in your chosen specialty and nursing in general.

  • In what professional nursing organizations do you currently participate? What organizations might you think about participating in for the future?
  • What nursing certifications are you considering?
  • How might consideration of continuing your education to pursue a graduate degree fit into your future plans?


In what professional nursing organizations do you currently participate?

I am currently a member of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners and National Student Nurses Association (NSN) as a professional nursing organization. The organization provides me with sufficient information about potential career paths and networking opportunities. As a result, the organization assists students with their career growth. Student nurses can connect with mentors and other healthcare providers through the organization.

According to the American Nurses Association (2015), nursing is concerned with care provision, the avoidance of injury, the relief of pain, and health promotion.

What organizations might you think about participating in for the future?

After my undergraduate degree, I may participate in National League for Nursing and public health organizations in the future, particularly the World Health Organization (WHO). These organizations promote nurse practitioners to work in an ethical and safe….please click the purchase button below to access the entire solution at $5