(Solution) NR 451 Discussion Week 1: Our Care Culture


NR 451 RN Capstone Course


Care expressed and practiced in professional nursing models provides a way of looking at the nursing role from the aspect of care. It may seem excessive to consider aspects of caring and compassion in nursing. However, precisely because it IS nursing makes it crucial to our continual progress of defining and upholding one of our central professional principles.

Address each of these items:

  • Reflect on a caring and compassionate experience with a patient or family encountered in your practice. How was your compassion demonstrated? What other ways do you wish you would have expressed caring?
  • How does your thinking about compassion expand to include self and colleagues?

Please complete the iCARE Self-Assessment (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. and download for your own use and information. The self-assessment is not a graded item.


Reflect on a caring, and compassionate experience with a patient or family encountered in your practice.

As a nurse, various occasions have reflected the compassion and caring of patients within the healthcare facility. On one occasion, a mother came with her suffering daughter who had incurred an accident of facial burning, which deteriorated the child’s health condition. The woman was a single mother and lacked her insurance cover, which could help her cater to the child. Besides, she had lost her job recently due to the COVID-19 pandemic, which has affected everyone in the economy. Upon her arrival, she experienced difficulty getting medical attention due to the congestion and busy schedule of nurses in the hospitals. I pitied her and decided to take personal responsibility for managing her child and took her to the accident room. Afterward, I gave her some portions of my savings which facilitated her recovery. Until today, we became friends with the family, and the child is progressing well. Also, the mother went and took an insurance cover after realizing its importance within healthcare……please click the purchase button below to access the entire solution at $5