(Solution) BUS 1101 Learning Journal Unit 2


BUS 1101 – Principles of Business Management


As noted in this week’s textbook chapter, employees are happier when they receive regular feedback (Carpenter, Bauer, & Erdogan, 2010). Feedback takes many forms, but one of the most obvious types is feedback on performance. Managers must be able to give employees feedback on what they are doing well and areas where an employee needs to improve. Think about times in your career when you have received feedback. Consider if the feedback was specific, meaningful, relevant, and timely.  Write a response that includes the following:

1. Share an example of a time when you received effective feedback that helped you improve your performance. What made that feedback helpful?

2. Share an example of a time when you received feedback that was not helpful. What made that feedback ineffective?

3. Using your two examples, what can you conclude about the characteristics of effective feedback? As an aspiring manager, how could you use these lessons to improve the feedback you give employees?

Your Learning Journal entry should be 300-500 words


Carpenter, M., Bauer, T., & Erdogan, B. (2010). Management principles, v. 1.1. https://2012books.lardbucket.org/books/management-principles-v1.1/index.html. 


  1. Share an example of a time when you received effective feedback that helped you improve your performance. What made that feedback helpful? 

In Kenya, I gained job experience as a cashier at Naivas. I was given two weeks of training when I started working there. My colleague was kind as I struggled to master the code reader. I am not the fastest student, so he had to be patient while I struggled to grasp new concepts. When I learn anything, though, I never forget it. However, learning the receipts was challenging since this was my first time working as a cashier. In addition, the manager once caught me using the code improperly and patiently explained how to do so, thus bringing to my notice that I was supposed to sell something after first scanning it with a code reader. However, his comments helped me improve my work and make better use of the code reader (Carpenter et al., 2010).……please click the icon below to purchase the solution at $10