(Solution) PSYC 290N Week 7 Graded Discussion Topic 1 & 2

Discussion Topic 2 

As one enters retirement, the physical & cognitive changes of aging generally become even more noticeable. What physical and/or cognitive issues do the older adults closest to you have to face? Can anything be done to postpone having to face such issues, or are they unavoidable?


We live in a time when everyone is so preoccupied with their own lives and priorities that they barely ever have time to share them with others, even their own families. Because it is unhealthy for retirees to spend their days alone in a quiet part of the home, it is important that they have some kind of companionship that will stimulate conversation and keep them from feeling lonely……..


Discussion Topic 2  

Erikson felt that the psychosocial task of late adulthood was that of integrity versus despair. Here, the person reviews his or her life & comes to feel either despair or that life is worthwhile. What do the older adults in your life have to say about meaning in life? Do they have any advice for those younger than them on how to live a meaningful life? If so, what? If not, why not?


Whatever consequences result from one’s choices throughout one’s life are felt most acutely and directly in one’s adult years. A person’s adult years are not likely to be fruitful if they have made a hash of their lives from the start, but those who have a firm grasp on life’s significance and understand that they must rely on themselves above all others have a fighting chance. Reference: (HL Urry & JJ Gross, 2010)…….

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