
The purpose of this course project is for learners to explore how living nurses are making nursing history, apply lessons from nursing history, and analyze the impact of this project on nursing history today.

Course Outcomes:

This course project enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:

  • CO2: Apply lessons from nursing history to today’s professional nursing practice. (PO4)
  • CO4: Analyze the impact of nursing history on professional nursing roles today and in the future. (PO7)

This part enables the student to meet the following course outcome:

  • CO2: Apply lessons from nursing history to today’s professional nursing practice. (PO4)

Overview of NR393 Course Project:

  1. There are three parts to the NR393 Course Project
    1. Phase 1: Selected Nurse Information due end of Week 1
    2. Phase 2: Conversation with the Selected Nurse due end of Week 3
    3. Phase 3: Reflection Paper due end of Week 6
  2. Carefully review the instructions, templates, and rubrics for each of the three parts of this Course Project
  3. Contact your instructor with questions

Late Assignment Policy:

If the assignment is not submitted by due date, a late deduction will be applied. See rubric below.

Points Possible:

The entire project is worth 600 points. NR393 Course Project Phase 2: Conversation with the Selected Nurse is worth 225 points of this total.


  1. Download the NR393 Course Project Phase 2: Conversation with the Selected Nurse Template (under Template below). This contains all areas to be addressed and the required questions you are to ask your Selected Nurse.
  2. View the Phase 2:Conversation with the Selected Nurse Tutorial (Links to an external site.)
  3. Conduct the Phase 2: Conversation with the Selected Nurse afterreceiving approval from your instructor in the Gradebook for your Phase 1: Selected Nurse Information. The conversation will occur between Saturday of Week 2 or during Week 3 after instructor approval is documented.
    • The Conversation may take place face to face or via phone or video chat. You may NOT provide the questions to the nurse and ask the nurse to provide written or typed answers.
    • You may use audio, audio/video, or typed format (on the template) to record and submit the Phase 2: Conversation with the Selected Nurse. Use the format you agreed to in Phase 1.There is no advantage to using any one format. Grading will be the same (see rubric below) regardless of the format selected.
      • NOTE:Recordings must be 20 minutes or shorter.
      • Only one file may be submitted and must include all rubric areas.
    • Obtain permission from the Selected Nurse to participate in the Conversation by reading the statement provided on the Template for this purpose (Selected Nurse must agree).
    • Clearly explain to the Selected Nurse that statements made in the Conversation will be recorded (audio, video, and/or written as transcript on template) and submitted to the instructor. The Conversation is not intended for public access.
    • Questions and topics for the Phase 2: Conversation with the Selected Nurse are provided for you on the required Template; these are the questions that must be included in the Conversation. Please notice that you will state the question/topic, the Selected Nurse will answer, and then you will add your own
      • answer to that question/topic. This is not a traditional interview, but instead is a Conversation with sharing of memories and ideas related to the questions and topics. You may ask up to three additional questions if you like, but these are not scored.
      • At the close of the conversation, make a clear and detailed statement of gratitude for the Selected Nurse’s time and sharing in this Conversation (Note: A simple “thank you” is not sufficient.)
      • Write a summary of the content of the Conversation.  Be clear and thorough.
      1. Submit Phase 2 assignment via Canvas by due date.


      NR393 Course Project Phase 2 Template: Conversation with the Selected Nurse [Download here (Links to an external site.)]

      Best Practices:

      • Carefully review the directions, required template, tutorial, and rubric.
      • Please use your browser’s File setting to save or print this page.
      • If typed, spell check for spelling and grammar errors prior to final submission.
      • Use the rubric as a final check prior to submission to ensure all content is clearly addressed.



Student Introduction and Statement of Purpose (20 points)

Josephine: Hello Farouk. My name is Josephine and I want to first thank you very much for squeezing your tight schedule to have time for me. The reason for this meeting is to have a conversation regarding your career since you are my role model and the progress you have made over the years.

Selected Nurse Introduction (20 points)


Farouk: Thank you very much Josephine for recognizing me as among your role models in this career. I have been in this profession for over two decades, and I know there is a lot to learn from me. I also expect to learn something from you.

SelectedNurse States Verbal Permission for Conversation and Submission (25 points)

Josephine: Do you agree to this recorded conversation and submission to my instructor for grading purposes?

Farouk: Yes I agree. I absolutely have no problem with that Josephine.

Questions and Answers 

Question 1    

Josephine: What are your favorite memories of nursing school from your Student days?

Farouk: There are a lot of memories back when I was a student nurse that I still cherish even today. But one of my most favorite memories was when I met Linda Harman, a very influential person in the nursing education, in a nursing event in Orange County. I was fascinated by her talk during the event and after the event I managed to have a conversation with her. I could believe it is the same Linda whom I usually read her research work back in school.

Josephine: I have also read a lot of journals written by Linda Harman; you must have been lucky to meet her and talk to her just like I am now, after talking with you….please click the purchase button to access the entire solution at $10