NR-222 Week 5 Discussion: Chamberlain college


NR 222 Health And Wellness


Chamberlain Care emphasizes person-centered communication. Provide an example of using person-centered care in communicating to another who disagrees with you.


The use of person-centered communication to another person means that listen to others point of views with open ended questions, avoiding interrupting others, and engage in active listening. An example of using person-centered care during communication is If I am talking to somebody and she disagrees that childhood trauma dealing with substance abuse and or physical abuse can cause conditions in their adult life for them to be doing the same thing because that is what they know (ANA, 2015). What we can do to engage in person centered care communication is ask question and listen to the other persons knowledge and facts and let them present their view without interruption, always remember listen more, talk less. …..please click the purchase button below to access the entire solution at $5