NR 222 Unit 2 Graded Discussion Topic 2; Personal Values and Beliefs- Chamberlain College


NR 222 Health And Wellness


Discuss where your personal values and beliefs are most or least aligned with the ethics of nursing as described in one of the position statements from the American Nurses Association listed below.


According to (Hooten, Shipman, 2013) Society has allowed lethal injections to be one of the primary resources to execute prisoners. As most may know Lethal injections acquire medical knowledge and skill. Hence, it places ethical conflicts amongst the nursing profession with regard to our participation in the act. In many instances aside from the code of ethics of nursing it can also conflict with our personal values and beliefs. Additionally, Nurses are supposed to alleviate pain and suffering and help clients or society in general to maintain and restore optimal health, not solidify undignified death. Nurses participation in capital punishment is a contradiction to all things we stand for and by and our fundamental goals.

My personal values and beliefs are most aligned with the ethics of nursing as described in “Nurses role in Capital Punishment.” That is to say that I too feel nurses should not have any participation in lethal injection.…please click the purchase button below to access the entire solution at $5