(Answer) ENGL147N Week 6 Assignment: Draft Progress Journal


ENGL147N Advanced English Composition

Required Resources
Read/review the following resources for this activity:

  • Week 6 Lesson
  • Your Current Draft and Revision Plans

Your Week 6 assignment is a 2-paragraph progress journal in which you reflect on your argument strategies and discuss your plans for making your argument stronger.

Note: You do not need to wait for your instructor’s feedback nor your peer’s feedback. This journal should include your own perspectives on your progress and your own goals for revision.

Instructions: Write 2 full, rich paragraphs on a Word document, with full APA formatting (see the APA section of the Chamberlain Writing Center).

In your first full paragraph, please discuss what you feel have been your successes and difficulties in using argumentative techniques toward:

  1. Writing a strong introduction and thesis statement (See Week 2 Lesson)
  2. Finding and addressing opposing viewpoints (See Weeks 2-5 Lessons)
  3. Constructing good, full paragraphs of argument (See Week 4 Lesson)
  4. Creating a cohesive argument overall in your essay (See Weeks 3-6 Lessons)
  5. Creating a graceful, powerful conclusion paragraph (See Week 5 Lesson)

In your second full paragraph, discuss plans for strengthening your argument in the following areas:

  1. Writing a strong introduction and thesis statement (See Week 2 Lesson)
  2. Finding and addressing opposing viewpoints (See Weeks 2-5 Lessons)
  3. Constructing good, full paragraphs of argument (See Week 4 Lesson)
  4. Creating a cohesive argument overall in your essay (See Weeks 3-6 Lessons)
  5. Creating a graceful, powerful conclusion paragraph (See Week 5 Lesson)


Ultraviolet (UV) radiation is a type of electromagnetic radiant energy that is gotten from the sun and can be made artificially, such artificially produced UV rays includes sunlamp, and sunbeds. The effect of UV radiation in our environment can not be over emphasized, based on my research and argument, I would consider my essay a near success because I have been able to introduce my argument topic, stating clearly my thesis statement,explaining how UV radiation affects global change, and theharmful effect of the overexposure to UV light which possesa potential risk for diseases and skin cancer, and I made some changes based on the feedbacks I received regarding what should be done.Also, I have successfully drafted the body paragraph and conclusion to reflect my stands, opinions and evidences to support my argument. Time is my constrain or challenge as this argument essay entails a lot of research for just a limited period of time.

Seeing that an argument essay is considered a reasoned opinion that is backed by true evidence, I plan to dedicate more time to building the thesis statement on my argument by gathering more information and elaborating more on the evidences from my citations to support my argument. Carrying out more research and being familiar with the strength and evidencesofthe opposing ideas, gives me a better chance,understanding, and ideas on how to defend my argument and make my points stand out. On the body paragraph, I will start up with an assertion followed by my evidence in order to fill the holes in my argument. ….please click the purchase button below to access the entire solution at $10