ENGL 147N: Advanced English Composition – Entire Course Work


ENGL147N Advanced English Composition

ENGL147N Week 1 Assignment: Argument Research Essay Topic and Proposal

ENGL147N_Week 1 Discussion: You Do Have a Voice; You Do Have a Perspective

ENGL147N-Week 2 Assignment: Pre-writing, Argumentative Essay

ENGL147N-Week 2 Discussion: Humble yet Assertive? 

ENGL147N Week 3 Assignment: Guided Annotated Bibliography

ENGL147N-Week 3 Discussion: Breaking the Cherry-Picking Habit

ENGL147N Week 4 Assignment: Logical Fallacies Presentation

ENGL147N-Week 4 Discussion: How Do the Top Dogs Do It?

ENGL147N-Week 5 Discussion: “Drop the Microphone”

ENGL 147N Week 5 Assignment; How Health is Affected After Long Work Hours

ENGL147N Week 6 Assignment: Draft Progress Journal

ENGL147N Week 6 Discussion: Being a True and Dedicated Colleague

ENGL147N Week 7 Assignment: Final Draft of the Argument Research Paper

ENGL147N Week 8 Assignment 1: Go Forth and Change Lives

ENGL147N Week 8 Discussion: Reflection part 1 & 2 

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