SCIE1046: Fundamental of Microbiology with Lab
SCIE1046 Activity 2.1 Lab Safety
SCIE1046 Activity 2.2 Aseptic Technique Culture your sample without contamination
SCIE1046 Activity 2.3 Bacterial Cell Structures An introduction to the bacterial cell
SCIE1046 Activity 2.4 Fluorescence Microscopy
SCIE1046: Touchstone 3: Bacterial Isolation Lab Report
SCIE1046 Activity 3.1 Bacterial Isolation
SCIE1046 Activity 3.2 The Gram Stain Identify and differentiate bacte...
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SCIE1046: Fundamental of Microbiology with Lab
About the Lab
Learning Objectives:
Use the correct clothing to work in the lab.
Describe the do's and don'ts in a laboratory.
Correctly use the lab safety equipment.
React in an emergency situation.
Estimated Length: 20 to 25 minutes
Background Information
The following background information will be helpful as you prepare for the simulation.
A microbiology lab exposes researchers an...
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SCIE1046: Fundamental of Microbiology with Lab
1. About the Lab
Learning Objectives:
Understand the basic principles and practical aspects of fluorescence microscopy.
Explain the function of different parts of the fluorescence microscope.
Optimize fluorophore choice.
Describe the application and limitations of fluorescence microscopy in biology.
Understand the need for staining.
Estimated Length: 15 to 25 minutes
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SCIE1046: Fundamental of Microbiology with Lab
1. About the Lab
Learning Objectives:
Understand the importance of bacterial growth for the investigation of pathological microorganisms.
Work under aseptic techniques.
Understand the concept of a single colony.
Perform plate-streaking techniques.
Use selective media for isolation purposes.
Estimated Length: 30 to 45 minutes
The background information in section 2 was adap...
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SCIE1046: Fundamental of Microbiology with Lab
About the Lab
Learning Objectives:
Describe the structure of the Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria.
Appreciate theoretical and technical aspects of the Gram staining procedure.
Know the most commonly made mistakes in Gram staining.
Critically interpret the results of a Gram staining experiment using a light microscope.
Estimated Length: 45 to 55 minutes
The bac...
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SCIE1046: Fundamental of Microbiology with Lab
1. About the Lab
Learning Objectives
Explain the importance of correctly identifying pathogenic bacteria.
Outline the principle of the main bacterial identification methods.
Describe the use and limitations of bacterial morphology and differential staining techniques.
Critically combine biochemical tests such as the catalase, oxidase and indole test. with differential staining and differential media to identify ...
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SCIE1046: Fundamental of Microbiology with Lab
About the Lab
Learning Objectives:
Describe the general bacterial cell structure and function, including differentiating between the most common shapes of bacteria and cell arrangements.
Describe the general bacterial cytoplasmic content and compare it to eukaryotic cytoplasmic content.
Describe special features of bacteria such as plasmids, flagella, or inclusion bodies and how they are necessary for bacteri...
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SCIE1046: Fundamental of Microbiology with Lab
1. About the Lab
Learning Objectives:
Understand the principles of aseptic technique for the prevention of infection and contamination.
Create and maintain a sterile work area.
Use sterile equipment and consumables correctly.
State potential sources of microbial contamination.
Assess whether a sample was contaminated.
Estimated Length: 15 minutes
The background information...
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SCIE1046: Fundamental of Microbiology with Lab
1. About the Lab
Learning Objectives:
Understand the nitrogen cycle and its importance for living beings.
Understand the concept of eutrophication and harmful algal bloom, and the impact that it has on the ecosystem.
Analyze dissolved nitrogen levels in the water sample.
Understand the importance of sampling from different locations to get representative data.
Estimated Length: 30 to 35 minutes
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SCIE1046: Fundamental of Microbiology with Lab
About the Lab
Learning Objectives:
Use given data to plot a growth curve on a semi-logarithmic scale.
Recognize the different phases of bacterial growth (lag, exponential, stationary, decline).
Learn how the growth rate can be calculated from a growth curve.
Estimated Length: 45 to 55 minutes
The background information in section 2 was adapted from the following Microbiolo...
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