(Answered) PSYC 110N Week 8 Discussion: Looking Ahead

Required Resources Read/review the following resources for this activity: Textbook reading Lesson In your reference for this assignment, be sure to include both your text/class materials AND your outside reading(s). Initial Post Instructions We learned a lot about anatomy and physiology this session. Address one of the following topics for your initial post. What topic(s) did you like the most? What topic(s) was the most challenging? Why? Describe how learning anatomy...
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(Answered) PSYC 110N Week 8 Final Project

Required Resources Read/review the following resources for this activity: Textbook Lessons Minimum of 3 outside scholarly sources Instructions Create a “yearbook” presentation of psychological concepts and theories throughout history, past and present findings. For each course outcome, choose at least one time period to research about the significant findings that happened during the time. For example, for Course Outcome #1, you could choose to research the 1900s and the work...
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(Answered) PSYC 110N Assignment Week 7: You Decide: Psychological Disorders Create a Case

Required Resources Read/review the following resources for this activity: Minimum of 2 outside scholarly sources Instructions Choose one of the psychological disorders discussed in the textbook (i.e. generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, etc.) and create a fictitious case study of someone who exhibits the behaviors of this disorder. Academic case studies typically focus on a single individual or small group of people, providing specific a...
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(Answered) PSYC 110N Discussion Week 6: Social Influence

Required Resources Read/review the following resources for this activity: Initial Post Instructions Think of the last time you were with a group of people at work or hanging out with a group of friends. How does your behavior change when you are with a particular group of people? Why do you think your behavior changes? Provide a personal example of compliance, conformity or obedience. Cite key concepts and theories to support your example. Be sure to make connections between.....and ...
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(Answered) PSYC-110N Assignment Week 6: Managing Your Stress

Required Resources Read/review the following resources for this activity: Textbook: Chapter 14 Lesson Minimum of 2 outside scholarly sources Instructions Stress can be an everyday part of our lives from work, school, and family obligation. How we cope with the negative effects of stress can have an impact on our overall well-being. Complete the How Do You Cope handout…..and discuss your predominant coping strategy. Define stress and discuss the negative and positive effects...
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(Answered) PSYC 110N Discussion Week 5: (Option 2)

 Sexuality  Initial Post Instructions For the initial post, respond to one of the following options, and label the beginning of your post indicating either Option 1 or Option 2: Option 1: Physical, Cognitive and Social Development Human development is a process in which there are various cognitive, physical, social, and emotional milestones from conception to death. Choose one of the major developmental areas discussed in the text (cognitive, physical, social or moral development) an...
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(Answered) PSYC 110N Discussion Week 5: (Option 1)

Physical, Cognitive and Social Development & Sexuality Initial Post Instructions For the initial post, respond to one of the following options, and label the beginning of your post indicating either Option 1 or Option 2: Option 1: Physical, Cognitive and Social Development Human development is a process in which there are various cognitive, physical, social, and emotional milestones from conception to death. Choose one of the major developmental areas discussed in the text (cogniti...
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(Answered) PSYC 110N Week 4 Discussion: (Option 1 & 2)

For the initial post, respond to one of the following options, and label the beginning of your post indicating either Option 1 or Option 2: Be sure to make connections between your ideas and conclusions and the research, concepts, terms, and theory we are discussing this week. Follow-Up Post Instructions Respond to at least two peers or one peer and the instructor. If possible, respond to one peer who chose an option different than the one you chose. Further the dialogue by providing mo...
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(Answered) Week 4 Discussion: Motivation and Emotion & Theories of Personality (Option 1)

Initial Post Instructions For the initial post, respond to one of the following options, and label the beginning of your post indicating either Option 1 or Option 2: (Option 1 & 2) Be sure to make connections between your ideas and conclusions and the research, concepts, terms, and theory we are discussing this week. Follow-Up Post Instructions Respond to at least two peers or one peer and the instructor. If possible, respond to one peer who chose an option different than the one...
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(Answered) PSYC-110N Discussion Week 3: Learning & Memory (Option 2)

Initial Post Instructions For the initial post, respond to one of the following options, and label the beginning of your post indicating either Option 1 or Option 2: Option 1: What does it mean when you have learned something? Identify and describe an example of something you have learned recently using either the principles of classical conditioning, operant conditioning or observational learning/social-cognitive learning. Ensure that you describe your example using the appropriate termin...
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