Week 2 Assignment; Evidence-Based Project, Part 1; An Introduction to Clinical Inquiry
Is there a difference between “common practice” and “best practice”?
When you first … to work for your current organization, … colleagues may have … with you details about processes and procedures. Perhaps you even … an orientation session to brief you on these matters. As a “rookie,” you likely kept the nature of your questions to those with answers that would best help you perform your new role.
Over time...
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Week 1 Discussion; Where in the World Is Evidence-Based Practice
In your practice as a nurse, you may use procedures and methods that did not necessarily originate in evidence, but instead were derived from informal and unwritten conventions, traditions, and observations. While these techniques may have merit, practices are constantly being updated and contradicted by information from scholarly research studies and professional guidelines. This new information serves as “evidence” for revisi...
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Week 1: Assignment; Evidence-Based Practice and the Quadruple Aim
Healthcare organizations continually seek to optimize healthcare performance. For years, this approach was a three-pronged one known as the Triple Aim, with efforts focused on improved population health, enhanced patient experience, and lower healthcare costs.
More recently, this approach has evolved to a Quadruple Aim by including a focus on improving the work life of healthcare providers. Each of these measures are impact...
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