(Solution) NR544 Week 7 Project Presentation of a Patient Safety Issue and Resolution

COURSE   NR544: Quality and Safety in Healthcare Video Presentation Content: The video presentation is to include the following elements. Content Introduction of self Presentation of healthcare quality concern Presentation of student-identified solution to the healthcare quality concern Summary Information is relevant to healthcare concern and its solution Method of Delivery Effective opening Stayed connected to audience Grammar was correct ...
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(Solution) NR544 Week 8 Collaboration Café Ethical Position Versus Standards Violation

COURSE   NR544: Quality and Safety in Healthcare Two nurses, Vicki, RN, and Cindy, RN, say they were just trying to protect patients when they anonymously reported their concerns last November to the Department of Health and to the Joint commission. The RNs believed that the 140-bed hospital that they work for was not living up to ethical practice standards. The report given by the RN's indicated Ms. Anderson, one of three quality review coordinators working for the quality department ...
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