NR505NP Advanced Research Methods: Evidence-Based
NR505NP Week 1: Area of Interest in NP
NR505NP Week 1: Reflection on Learning
NR505NP Week 2: Collaboration Cafe
NR505NP Week 2: PICOT Question Worksheet
NR505NP Week 2: Reflection on Learning
NR505NP Week 3: Collaboration Cafe
NR505NP Week 3: Reflection on Learning
NR505NP Week 4: Collaboration Cafe
NR505NP Week 4: Reflection on Learning
NR505NP Week 5: Research Summary Assignment
NR505NP ...
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NR505NP Advanced Research Methods: Evidence-Based
Preparing the Assignment
The document should include all reflections from weeks one to eight.
The document should include a title page in APA 7th edition format, double-spaced, with each week’s reflection labeled with a level 1 heading listing the week number.
The week 8 reflection should answer the following questions:
What is your personal plan to promote lifelong personal and professional growth in the use ...
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NR505NP Advanced Research Methods: Evidence-Based
Preparing the Assignment
Initial post: Create a Kaltura video presentation based on the PowerPoint slideshow you submitted in week 7. The slides you created should be displayed on your screen in the recorded presentation; Use of the Kaltura camera feature is optional. A clear audio presentation of the content should be included. While the presentation is due Wednesday, please consider posting the presentation to the discussi...
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NR505NP Advanced Research Methods: Evidence-Based
Preparing the Assignment
Reflection: write 1-2 paragraphs reflecting on your learning for the week. Guiding questions are provided or you may write about what you felt was most significant to you for the week.
In looking at the possible types of dissemination, which appeals to you most? Why?
What steps could you take to share the results of your week 7 project in a professional setting?
For this week's...
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NR505NP Advanced Research Methods: Evidence-Based
In Week 7, students will create a PowerPoint slide show with notes pages discussing their PICOT question, literature review, and recommendations for change. In Week 8, students will create a Kaltura recording of the presentation for the Peer Discussion thread.
Criteria for Content
Students will synthesize the information they have gathered during the course to formulate a presentation advocating for a practice...
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NR505NP Advanced Research Methods: Evidence-Based
Description of the Assignment:
Each student is required to complete the Human Subjects Research Course provided by CITI. The certificate of completion is submitted as evidence of completion.
Preparing the Assignment:
Special Instructions
Complete the Chamberlain University Human Subjects Research Course Provided by CITI
Make sure to choose the Biomedical Research Investigator’s Course
Please foll...
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NR505NP Advanced Research Methods: Evidence-Based
Respond to the following prompts:
How has learning about the history of research ethics impacted your view of biomedical research?
In looking at the studies you reviewed for your PICOT question, do you feel that today’s researchers adequately protect the rights of human subjects? If not, what additional measures do you recommend?
Due Date
A 5% late penalty will be imposed for discussions posted after the ...
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NR505NP Advanced Research Methods: Evidence-Based
Preparing the Assignment
Reflection: Write 1-2 paragraphs reflecting on your learning for the week. Guiding questions are provided or you may write about what you felt was most significant to you for the week.
Think about the following question related to your review of the literature associated with your PICOT question. You will be revisiting some of these topics in your week 7 presentation.
Was it difficult to find...
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NR505NP Advanced Research Methods: Evidence-Based
Find and review ten (10) scholarly, peer-reviewed research articles, meta-analyses, or CPGs in support of the practice change intervention. Complete the appropriate section in the worksheet for each article.
State the PICOT question
For each article, supply the information for each of the seven headings for the appropriate article type.
Preparing the Assignment:
Use the designated Research Summar...
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NR505NP Advanced Research Methods: Evidence-Based
Preparing the Assignment
Reflection: write 1-2 paragraphs reflecting on your learning for the week. Guiding questions are provided or you may write about what you felt was most significant to you for the week.
How hard was it to find a qualitative article related to your area of interest?
Did you have any difficult determining whether the articles you reviewed were qualitative?
Is the qualitative approach appr...
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