(Solution) NR 512: e-Portfolio Project PowerPoint Presentation -Week 3 Assignment

Course   NR 512 Fundamentals Of Nursing Informatics Purpose This assignment is designed to help students: Develop an appreciation for informatics, basic skills and knowledge required in practice settings. Students will discuss the e-portfolio and it uses, provide examples of items in an e-portfolio along with challenges and future uses. Requirements The student will read the assigned readings pertaining to the e-portfolio, as well as research the topic. The student will...
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(Solution) NR 512 Week 2 Discussion: Wisdom Versus Judgement

Course   NR 512 Fundamentals Of Nursing Informatics Details  How does the concept of wisdom in nursing informatics compare to the concept of professional nursing judgment? What is DIKW & how do you "use" it in your practice? SOLUTION  Bringing together elements of nursing, information science, and computer science, nursing informatics is a relatively new field. Knowledge is the foundation of wisdom, and knowledge is gained through experience. Wisdom is the ability to u...
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(Solution) NR 512 Week 1 Discussion: Integration of Nursing Informatics Skills & Competencies

Course   NR 512 Fundamentals Of Nursing Informatics Details   Reflect on your own practice. Discuss how informatics is used in your practice. What is your primary area where you would use informatics? From completing the Pre-TANIC TIGER assessment for this week, what do you plan to achieve in this course? How did you feel your competency level was compared to the assessment? SOLUTION  As a nurse who began her profession by scratching notes into a granite slate with a chisel,...
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