Week 3: Scavenger Hunt Quiz
Question 1
Where would a student find the nursing student handbook and practicum handbooks? Choose all that apply.
Student Resource Center >Library
Question 2
A student is looking for a job. Which area of Student Resources would be helpful?
Student Resource Center >Job Search>Liquid Compass Student Resource Center >Technologies>AVA
Student Resource Center >Wellness Resources>Perspectives
Question 3
A student is asked to submit a v...
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NR-500-NP: Foundational Concepts and Advanced Practice Roles
NR-500NP Week 1 Discussion The Value of a Master's Prepared Nurse
NR-500NP Reflections; Reflection On Learning Weeks 1-8
NR-500NP Week 2 Assignment Roles in Advanced Practice Nursing
NR-500NP Week 3 Assignment Graduate Skills Time Management
NR-500NP Week 3 Discussion Person Centered Care
NR-500NP Week 4 Assignment APN Professional Development Plan
NR-500NP Week 5 Discussion Systems Theory and Pra...
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NR-500-NP: Foundational Concepts and Advanced Practice Roles
Thinking back over this course, what were the three most important or most interesting things you learned? How do you envision using the information you learned in your future nursing practice? What steps will you take to ensure your success in the master's program?
The three most interesting things I learned in this course are the regulatory and licensing requirements for a nurse practitioner...
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NR-500-NP: Foundational Concepts and Advanced Practice Roles
This discussion will explore the value of a master's education in nursing. Please provide an initial response to the discussion question by Wednesday at 11:59pm MT and two interactive dialogue responses no later than Sunday 11:59 PM MT at the end of WEEK 7. The discussion is worth 75 points. Please refer to the discussion grading rubric for additional criteria.
Reflect on an experience in which you ...
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NR-500-NP: Foundational Concepts and Advanced Practice Roles
The process for affecting positive change to improve practice outcomes can start with either the identification of an area of interest or the identification of a potential or existing practice problem. Selecting an area of interest helps to define a direction for further inquiry. The purpose of this assessment is for students to identify and discuss an area of interest specific to advanced practice nursing....
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NR-500-NP: Foundational Concepts and Advanced Practice Roles
This discussion will explore the value of a master's education in nursing. Please provide an initial response to the discussion question by Wednesday at 11:59pm MT and two interactive dialogue responses no later than Sunday 11:59 PM MT at the end of WEEK 5. The discussion is worth 75 points. Please refer to the discussion grading rubric for additional criteria.
Discussion Question:
Many of you have e...
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NR-500-NP: Foundational Concepts and Advanced Practice Roles
A Week 4 Paper Template Links to an external site.to be used for your assignment is required for this assignment.
The APN Professional Development Plan paper is worth 200 points and will be graded on the quality of the content, use of citations, use of Standard English grammar, sentence structure, and overall organization based on the required components as summarized in the directions and grading...
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NR-500-NP: Foundational Concepts and Advanced Practice Roles
Examine roles and competencies of advanced practice nurses essential to performing as leaders and advocates of holistic, safe, and quality care(CO1)
Apply concepts of person-centered care to nursing practice situations(CO2)
Analyze essential skills needed to lead within the context of complex systems(CO3)
Explore the process of scholarship engagement to improve health and healthcare out comes in various...
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NR-500-NP: Foundational Concepts and Advanced Practice Roles
The purpose of this assignment is to support the development of time management skills for graduate success.
Due Date
The Time Management Worksheet is due by Sunday at 11:59 p.m. MT at the end of Week 3.
The Late Assignment Policy DOES NOT apply to this assignment.
Total Points Possible
This assignment is worth a total of 35 points.
Preparing the Assignment
Follow these guidelines when completing e...
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NR-500-NP: Foundational Concepts and Advanced Practice Roles
The purpose of this assignment is to provide the student an opportunity to explore the roles and competencies of the advanced practice nurse (APN).
Activity Learning Outcomes
Through this assignment, the student will demonstrate the ability to:
CO 1: Examine roles and competencies of advanced practice nurses essential to performing as leaders and advocates of holistic, safe, and quality care (PO5).
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