(Solutions) NR 451 Entire Coursework (Week 1-8) 100% Correct

Course   NR 451 RN Capstone Course NR 451 Discussion Week 1: Our Care Culture NR 451 Discussion Week 2: Communication and Influence-the Power of Evidence NR 451 Assignment Week 3: Healthcare Policy  NR 451 Discussion Week 3: Resilience and Change  NR 451 Week 4 Discussion: Advocacy and Cultural Competence NR 451 Assignment Week 5: iCARE Paper NR 451 Discussion Week 5: Interprofessional Collaboration  NR 451 Assignment Week 6: Evidence Based Practice Change Proces...
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(Solution) NR 451 Discussion Week 8: Your Nursing Destiny

Course   NR 451 RN Capstone Course Descriptions  Now that each one of you is very close to completing this major accomplishment in your nursing career, please share your professional development plans to keep up to date in your chosen specialty and nursing in general. In what professional nursing organizations do you currently participate? What organizations might you think about participating in for the future? What nursing certifications are you considering? How might...
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(Solution) NR 451 Discussion Week 7: CDC Wonder

Course   NR 451 RN Capstone Course The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Division of Informatics and Surveillance website contains a number of resources nurses could innovatively incorporate in care delivery. The CDC Wonder site could … by nurses in a number of ways. https://wonder.cdc.gov/ (Links to an external site.) For this discussion you will: Identify one of the resources at the CDC Wonder site above and describe how a nurse might use this information in pract...
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(Solution) NR 451 Discussion Week 6: Transformational Leadership

Course   NR 451 RN Capstone Course Requirements  Transformational leaders influence those around them and therefore have the potential to alter the culture of a unit or organization. Please address the following topics: Summarize your general beliefs of what makes a good leader. Regarding the transformational leadership skills discussed in our required article reading. How do you think your leadership style is … by others? What aspect of the TEACH values … in the lesson...
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(Solution) NR 451 Assignment Week 6: Evidence Based…Process

Course   NR 451 RN Capstone Course Requirements   Star Point 1:  Discovery (Identify topic and practice issue) Identify the topic and the nursing practice issue … to this topic. (This MUST involve a nursing practice issue.) Briefly describe your rationale for your topic selection. Include the scope of the issue/problem. Star Point 2:  Summary (Evidence to support need for a change) Describe the practice problem in your own words and formulate your PICOT question. ...
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(Solution) NR 451 Discussion Week 5: Interprofessional Collaboration

Course   NR 451 RN Capstone Course Requirements   Planning for our patients during times of transitions (for example: hospital to home, home to rehabilitation facility) involves collaboration with a number of healthcare professionals. Please address the following questions: How does your facility promote interprofessional collaboration during times of patient transitions? What is the role of the nurse in patient transitions? What gaps can you identify in this process re...
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(Solution) NR 451 Assignment Week 5: iCARE Paper

Course   NR 451 RN Capstone Course Purpose The purpose of the iCARE Paper assignment is to explore the concept of interprofessional teams and patient outcomes. Nursing supportive actions of compassion, advocacy, resilience, and evidence-based practice will serve as a way to apply care concepts.  Directions Getting Started: Interprofessional teams are part of practice trends we see developing in all aspects of care delivery. Consider you own work environment (or recent clinic...
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(Solution) NR 451 Week 4 Discussion: Advocacy and Cultural Competence

Course   NR 451 RN Capstone Course Requirements   Go to the link https://www.thinkculturalhealth.hhs.gov/clas/ standards (Links to an external site.). View the National Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services Standards (CLAS) categories aimed at equity and quality care (HHS, n.d.). Notice how these standards overlap with many of the expectations and standards in professional nursing practice! In what ways are you and your peers using these standards in your area...
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(Solution) NR 451 Discussion Week 3: Resilience and Change

Course   NR 451 RN Capstone Course Requirements  Change is part of our daily healthcare environment. Clinical nursing judgments based on quality and safety, as well as protocols and standards, reflect our patient-centered care values. What steps could you take to develop more resilience in your practice setting? How might you communicate a change in practice to patients and nursing peers? SOLUTION  Steps to take to develop more resilience in the practice setting As w...
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(Solution) NR 451 Assignment Week 3: Healthcare Policy

Course   NR 451 RN Capstone Course Purpose In this assignment, you will assess the impact of health legislation on nursing practice and communicate your analysis to your peers. GovTrack.us provides a list of federal health bills that are currently in process in Congressional Committees. Course Outcomes This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes: CO 4: Integrates clinical nursing judgment using effective communication strategies with patients, co...
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