NR-222 Entire Coursework – Week 1 -8

Course   NR 222 Health And Wellness NR-222 Week 1 Discussion: Healthy People 2020  NR-222 Week 2 Discussion: Scope & Standards of Nursing Practice NR 222 Week 2 Assignment: Chamberlain College NR 222 Unit 2 Graded Discussion Topic 2; Personal Values and Belief NR-222 Week 3 Discussion: Chamberlain College NR-222 Week 5 Discussion: Chamberlain college NR-222 Week 5: Nurses Touch: Chamberlain University NR 222 Week 6 Assignment Nurse’s Touch: Chamberlain Colleg...
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NR-222 Week 7 Discussion: Chamberlain College

Course   NR 222 Health And Wellness Instructions   On the Healthy People 2020 website, the 2020 LHI topic, Social Determinants, explains that a national indicator of health is measured by "Students who graduate with a regular diploma 4 years after starting 9th grade" (para. 11). According to the data, as a nation, are we improving or declining, and why is this important to our health as a country? SOLUTION  On the Healthy People 2020 website, the 2020 LHT topic, Social Deter...
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NR 222 Week 6 Assignment Nurse’s Touch: Chamberlain College

Course   NR 222 Health And Wellness INSTRUCTIONS   PURPOSE Nurse’s Touch provides modules that will enhance students’ knowledge, skills, and attitudes with important topics and scenarios in nursing practice. Each module provides case studies along with a practice and practiced assessment of content comprehension. COURSE OUTCOMES: This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes. Assess whether nutritional intake provides basic nutrients for optimal h...
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NR-222 Week 5: Nurses Touch: Chamberlain University

Course   NR 222 Health And Wellness SOLUTION After doing this week’s Nurses Touch on self-care and physical activity, I have gained some new insight on how important physical activity is for our wellbeing. There are many factors that can impact one’s physical activity. Physical health, mental health, and personal values/attitudes all affect activity. Physical disorders like arthritis can alter one’s mobility, specifically of the joints. This can make physical activity painful. ...
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NR-222 Week 5 Discussion: Chamberlain college

Course   NR 222 Health And Wellness INSTRUCTIONS Chamberlain Care emphasizes person-centered communication. Provide an example of using person-centered care in communicating to another who disagrees with you. SOLUTION  The use of person-centered communication to another person means that listen to others point of views with open ended questions, avoiding interrupting others, and engage in active listening. An example of using person-centered care during communication is If ...
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NR-222 Week 3 Discussion: Chamberlain College

Course   NR 222 Health And Wellness Details   For a cultural group different from your own, list three culturally based behaviors that may not promote health and explain how you would provide respectful health promotion education to that cultural group. SOLUTION  One cultural group that is different than mine is the ones of the Chinese. In their culture if one were to be diagnosed with a mental illness, it would have brought a lot of shame and guilt to the family. A practice...
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NR 222 Unit 2 Graded Discussion Topic 2; Personal Values and Beliefs- Chamberlain College

Course   NR 222 Health And Wellness DETAILS   Discuss where your personal values and beliefs are most or least aligned with the ethics of nursing as described in one of the position statements from the American Nurses Association listed below. SOLUTION  According to (Hooten, Shipman, 2013) Society has allowed lethal injections to be one of the primary resources to execute prisoners. As most may know Lethal injections acquire medical knowledge and skill. Hence, it places ethi...
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NR-222 Week 2 Discussion: Scope & Standards of Nursing Practice – Chamberlain College

Course   NR 222 Health And Wellness DETAILS   The American Nurses Association's Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice (3rd ed.) discusses integrating the art and science of nursing. Describe how science and art are synthesized in the practice of nursing.   SOLUTION   How is art and science synthesized in the nursing practice? Well, ideally a well-rounded nurse is one who can weigh both equally. Often, you need the art to get to the science. With regard to the prof...
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NR 222 Week 2 Assignment: Chamberlain College

Course   NR 222 Health And Wellness Week 2 Assignment: Nurse's Touch: Wellness & Self-Care: Wellness, Health Promotion, and Disease Prevention REQUIREMENTS Computer with internet access Access to ATI Recommend using Firefox browser and clearing your cookies and cache if you are accessing ATI on laptop or desktop computer PREPARING THE ASSIGNMENT Log into your ATI Account and Select the “Learn” tab. Click on “Nurse’s Touch: Wellness and Self Care” and complete th...
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NR-222 Week 1 Discussion: Healthy People 2020 – Chamberlain College

Course   NR 222 Health And Wellness Details   Week 1: Based on your understanding of nursing today, discuss how the Healthy People initiative could be used by you, as a nurse, to make a difference in the health and wellness of people in your area. SOLUTION  The Healthy People initiative is a format released every decade by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (USDHHS) that emphasizes the set goal for improvement regarding disease prevention and national health pr...
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