Assessment Task 2 Part A: Financial Management planning project
Complete the following activities:
1. Prepare a financial performance report
Review the scenario information above, as well as Profit and Loss and
Cash Flow Statements provided to you.
Using this information, identify areas of the business that have generated a
profit and those that have generated a loss.
Prior to preparing your financial performance report, conduct research to
establish why those areas have made a pro...
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I have recently been appointed as the business manager of Houzit Pty Ltd. Houzit Pty Ltd is a 15 store retail chain located in Brisbane. Houzit is the leading home wares retailer, catering to the growing need for furnishing new and renovated dwellings in the greater Brisbane area. Houzit Pty Ltd has 150 staff members. Based on the review of the company's financial structure, I completed the following 2012/13 budget report....
......please click the icon below to...
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ENGL147N Advanced English Composition
ENGL147N Week 1 Assignment: Argument Research Essay Topic and Proposal
ENGL147N_Week 1 Discussion: You Do Have a Voice; You Do Have a Perspective
ENGL147N-Week 2 Assignment: Pre-writing, Argumentative Essay
ENGL147N-Week 2 Discussion: Humble yet Assertive?
ENGL147N Week 3 Assignment: Guided Annotated Bibliography
ENGL147N-Week 3 Discussion: Breaking the Cherry-Picking Habit
ENGL147N Week 4 Assignment: Logical Fallacies ...
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ENGL147N Advanced English Composition
Required Resources
Read/review the following resources for this activity:
Textbook: pp. 402-422.
Minimum of 1 source from the textbook
Apply the following writing resources to your posts:
Link (website): APA Citation and Writing (Links to an external site.)
Main Post: Share "Good to Great" Techniques You Picked up in Your Textbook Readings
To begin, look over the readings (sample essays/articles) of the tex...
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ENGL147N Advanced English Composition
Required Resources
Read/review the following resources for this activity:
Textbook: pp. 293-318 and 337-356
Minimum of 5 sources
This assignment is a full draft of your Argument Research Paper Download Argument Research Paper. This draft will demonstrate the argument and writing techniques studied in the course and will build upon the steps you have taken in all the previous weeks toward developing you...
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ENGL147N Advanced English Composition
Required Resources
Read/review the following resources for this activity:
Textbook: pp. 469-494.
Minimum of 1 scholarly source (in addition to the textbook)
Apply the following writing resources to your posts:
Link (website): APA Citation and Writing (Links to an external site.)
Initial Post Instructions
Main Post Paragraph 1: Evaluate an argumentative point
Choose a reading from the assigned pages in yo...
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ENGL147N Advanced English Composition
Required Resources
Read/review the following resources for this activity:
Textbook: pp. 2-26, 32-36, and review pages 270-293 & 337-356.
Minimum of 1 scholarly source (in addition to the textbook)
Apply the following writing resources to your posts:
Link (website): APA Citation and Writing (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)
Initial Post Instructions
Main Post Paragraph 1: Share Y...
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ENGL147N Advanced English Composition
Required Resources
Read/review the following resources for this activity:
Week 6 Lesson
Your Current Draft and Revision Plans
Your Week 6 assignment is a 2-paragraph progress journal in which you reflect on your argument strategies and discuss your plans for making your argument stronger.
Note: You do not need to wait for your instructor’s feedback nor your peer’s feedback. This journal should include your own perspectives ...
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ENGL147N Advanced English Composition
Required Resources
Read/review the following resources for this activity:
Textbook: Chapter 3 and pp. 94-107, 295-297, and 306, 337-356
Research Tutorial (Links to an external site.)
Minimum of 1 scholarly source
Apply the following writing resources to your assignment:
Link (website): APA Citation and Writing (Links to an external site.)
With your specific argument stance (thesis/claim) in m...
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ENGL147N Advanced English Composition
Required Resources
Read/review the following resources for this activity:
Textbook: pp. 2-26, 32-36, and review pages 270-293 & 337-356
Link (Word doc): Sample Week 3 Assignment(Links to an external site.)
Minimum of 6 scholarly articles
Apply the following writing resources to your posts:
Link (website): APA Citation and Writing(Links to an external site.)
For this assignment, complete t...
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