(Solution) BUS 1102 Basic Accounting -uoPeople Entire Coursework Week 1-8

COURSE BUS 1102 - Basic Accounting BUS 1102 Discussion 1: External Use of Financial Statements  BUS 1102 Written Assignment Unit 1  BUS 1102 Learning Journal Unit 1  BUS 1102 Discussion 2: External Use of Financial Statements  BUS 1102 Written Assignment Unit 2: Cash or Accrual Basis Accounting  BUS 1102 Learning Journal Unit 2 -Happy House Bakeshop  BUS 1102 Discussion 3: The Accounting Cycle, Closing The Books  BUS 1102 Written Assignment Unit 3  BUS 1102 Le...
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(Solution) BUS 1102 Learning Journal Unit 8 -information organization

COURSE BUS 1102 - Basic Accounting For this week, you will provide information on the organization of a corporation. Please complete the following tasks:  1. You are starting a new business. Provide information for the following: A. What is the business that you will be owning? a. Explain why you have chosen that business. B. Provide the form of business (Sole Proprietorship; Partnerships; Corporations and Limited Liability Company) that you...
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(Solution) BUS 1102 Discussion 8: Legal Formats for Business Entities

COURSE BUS 1102 - Basic Accounting This week's discussion is based on the following scenario. Read the scenario and answer both questions in the Discussion Assignment forum. Scenario: Sports Memorabilia Store Farah and David decide to form a sports memorabilia retail partnership. They have known each other since business graduate school and have always worked well together on various projects. The business is doing well but cash flow is very tight. Farah takes several calls fro...
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(Solution) BUS 1102 Learning Journal Unit 7: Equity & Debt Financing

COURSE BUS 1102 - Basic Accounting The Learning Journal is a space where you should reflect on what was learned during the week and how it applies to your daily life and will help you with your life (career) goals. For this week’s activity, you will provide information on long-term liability concerning financing a business. Please complete the following tasks: 1. You are about to buy a business that is worth $200,000, but you do not have enough money to purchase the business ent...
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(Solution) BUS 1102 Written Assignment Unit 7 -EDGAR

COURSE BUS 1102 - Basic Accounting US Securities and Exchange Commission website (https://openstax.org/l/50EDGAR) to locate the latest Form 10-K for a company you would like to analyze. Pick a company and write a paper that provides the following information: The name and ticker symbol of the company you have chosen. I went with Amazon.com, Inc. Its stock ticker symbol is AMZN The URL to the company`s Form 10-K to allow accurate verification of your answers. The 2019 ...
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(Solution) BUS 1102 Discussion 7 Bonds as Investments

COURSE BUS 1102 - Basic Accounting Chapter 13 discusses various types of bonds. For this discussion, choose two types of bonds you would invest in. Provide the strengths and weaknesses of each of the bonds that you have chosen. Explain why you have chosen the two bonds. SOLUTION  Each of the two bond options has its pros and downsides, and I need to keep that in mind as I make my investment decision. In the end, I settled on purchasing municipal and corporate bonds. ...
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(Solution) BUS 1102 Learning Journal Unit 6 -Fam

COURSE BUS 1102 - Basic Accounting The Learning Journal is a space where you should reflect on what was learned during the week and how it applies to your daily life and will help you with your life (career) goals. For this week, you will be computing interest and explain what you have learned in Unit 6 about borrowing money. 1. You own a farm and grow seasonal products such as pumpkins, squash, and pears. Most of your business revenues are earned during the months of October to Dece...
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(Solution) BUS 1102 Written Assignment Unit 6 -(2023)

COURSE BUS 1102 - Basic Accounting What would you do if you found your school in this situation? Would you issue more debt? Explain Are there alternatives? Explain. What are some positives and negatives to the promissory note practice? SOLUTION   Introduction   Most governments are having a tough time right now because of the covivirus-19 pandemic and the subsequent collapse of their economies. However, since so many groups depend on government money to keep the lig...
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(Solution) BUS 1102 Discussion 6: Methods of Depreciation -Liam

COURSE BUS 1102 - Basic Accounting Liam is struggling to determine which deprecation method he should use for his new silk-screening machine. He expects sales to increase over the next five years. He also expects (hopes) that in two years he will need to buy a second silk-screening machine to keep up with the demand for products of his growing company. Discuss which depreciation method makes more sense for Liam: Higher expenses in the first few years, or keeping expenses consist...
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(Solution) BUS 1102 Learning Journal Unit 5 -Chart 1 & 2

COURSE BUS 1102 - Basic Accounting The Learning Journal is a space where you should reflect on what was learned during the week and how it applies to your daily life and will help you with your life (career) goals. For this week, you will be computing different financial ratios based on information presented in the tables below. Chart 1   ABC Group 123 Company Beginning accounts receivable; $75,000 $92,000 Ending accounts receivable $125,000 $123,000 ...
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