(Solution) BUS 1101 Discussion Forum Unit 5 -DF5

Course BUS 1101 - Principles of Business Management Details  In the last unit, we learned about vision, mission, and values. In this unit, the text states: “…a strategy captures and communicates how vision and mission will be achieved and which goals and objectives show that the organization is on the right path to achieving them” (Carpenter et. al., 2010). What negative consequences can emerge when vision, mission, or values contradict strategy? Name a time when you believe strate...
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(Solution) BUS 1101 Learning Journal Unit 4 – Five Step Plan

Course BUS 1101 - Principles of Business Management Using The Five Step Plan outlined in Chapter 4: Developing Mission, Vision, and Values in the text, prepare your own personal vision and mission statements. Provide not only the final statements but also the work you performed in the development process. Be sure that your Learning Journal entry is a minimum of 300 to 350 words. Reference Carpenter, M., Bauer, T., & Erdogan, B. (2010). Management principles, v. 1.1. ht...
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(Solution) BUS 1101 Discussion Forum Unit 4 -DF4

Course BUS 1101 - Principles of Business Management Details   The text defines stakeholders as: “Individuals and organizations who are actively involved in the organization or whose interests may be positively or negatively affected as a result of what the organization does” (Carpenter et. al., 2010). Every organization has stakeholders. Choose one of the companies below and identify three key stakeholders. Then discuss how the company caters for their interests and what may happe...
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(Solved) Graded Quiz Unit 3 -100% Correct

Course BUS 1101 - Principles of Business Management Organizational citizenship behaviors can be understood as: Select one: Allowing individuals to work on their own, with little supervision is called: Believing that women are more cooperative than men, or men are more assertive than women, are examples of: Rather than to actual behaviors, attitudes are more strongly related to: The principles of management are drawn from a number of academic fields, principally the fields...
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(Solution) BUS 1101 Learning Journal Unit 3 -Building Blocks

Course BUS 1101 - Principles of Business Management Details  As an aspiring future leader, review the five building blocks of a learning organization and identify the building block you would select to promote first within your organization.  In 300-400 words, introduce the selected building block and describe how you would foster the practice within your organization. References Carpenter, M., Bauer, T., & Erdogan, B. (2010).  Management principles, v. 1.1. https://2012book...
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(Solution) BUS 1101 Discussion Forum Unit 3 -DF3 -Frederic Taylor

Course BUS 1101 - Principles of Business Management Details  Frederic Taylor applied the scientific method to management. In many cases, this meant measuring a process to determine its optimal possible output. From your own work experience, discuss a time you have seen measurements used to manage a process. Examples might include allowing a certain amount of time for a phone call or a project deadline. Do you believe the results were optimal, based on the measurement used? Plea...
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(Solution) BUS 1101 Learning Journal Unit 2

Course BUS 1101 - Principles of Business Management Details   As noted in this week’s textbook chapter, employees are happier when they receive regular feedback (Carpenter, Bauer, & Erdogan, 2010). Feedback takes many forms, but one of the most obvious types is feedback on performance. Managers must be able to give employees feedback on what they are doing well and areas where an employee needs to improve. Think about times in your career when you have received feedback. Conside...
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(Solution) BUS 1101 Written Assignment Unit 2 – Case: SAS Institute Invests in Employees

Course BUS 1101 - Principles of Business Management Details  Read the mini-case study in section 2.1. “Case in Point: SAS Institute Invests in Employees.” The study generally discusses the approach of a major software company to its employees. Then, consider the “Factors That Have the Strongest Influence over Work Behaviors” from figure 2.15. Describe how each of the four factors is managed by SAS. Do you agree or disagree with the firm’s approach and policies? Why or why not? N...
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(Solution) BUS 1101 Discussion Forum Unit 2 -DF2

Course BUS 1101 - Principles of Business Management Details   The text defines personality as “a person’s relatively stable feelings, thoughts, and behavioral patterns” (Carpenter et. al., 2010), while values are “stable life goals, reflecting what is most important to them" (Carpenter et. al., 2010). ” Pick one of the Big Five Personality Traits (see figure 2.5) that details the most important trait for your current job or a position you want to eventually be in. Describe why thi...
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(Solution) BUS 1101 Learning Journal Unit 1

Course BUS 1101 - Principles of Business Management In Chapter 1: Introduction to Principals of Management, goal setting is discussed. Select a business-related or professional goal (e.g. lose weight, complete a course of study, find a new job, etc.) you want to achieve in the next 12 months. Address each part of the SMART technique -- Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-bound– providing relevant details about the goal for each component of the goal-setting process....
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