(Solutions) BUS 1101 – Principles of Business Management – Week 1-8

Course BUS 1101 - Principles of Business Management BUS 1101 Unit 1: Introduction to the Principles of Management  BUS 1101 Learning Journal Unit 1  BUS 1101 Discussion Forum Unit 2  BUS 1101 Written Assignment Unit 2  BUS 1101 Learning Journal Unit 2  BUS 1101 Discussion Forum Unit 3  Graded Quiz Unit 3  BUS 1101 Discussion Forum Unit 4  BUS 1101 Learning Journal Unit 4  BUS 1101 Discussion Forum Unit 5  BUS 1101 Written Assignment Unit 5  BUS 1101 L...
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(Solution) BUS 1101 Learning Journal Unit 8 – P-O-L-C.

Course BUS 1101 - Principles of Business Management Congratulations on advancing to the final unit of BUS 1101, the opening course in your degree program!  For the Unit 8 Learning Journal, reflect for a few minutes on the four functions of management: Planning, Organizing, Leading, and Controlling, represented by the acronym P-O-L-C.  In a 300-500 word Learning Journal, identify a management principle or method from the course for each of the four functions of management. In other wo...
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(Solution) BUS 1101 Discussion Forum Unit 8 DF8

Course BUS 1101 - Principles of Business Management The text described organizational culture as a collection of common beliefs, values, and assumptions that define appropriate and inappropriate behaviors for organizational members (Carpenter, Bauer, & Erdogan, 2010). Drawing on your experience and the material in Chapter 8, describe an example of a company’s culture being a strength or a weakness. In what ways was it a strength or weakness? Share specific cultural factors you no...
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(Solution) BUS 1101 Learning Journal Unit 7 -Planning

Course BUS 1101 - Principles of Business Management Details  Reflect on the section 7.5 Planning and Executing Change Effectively in Chapter 7 of your textbook. Summarize the key steps in planning and executing change in a 300 to 400 word journal entry. Reference Carpenter, M., Bauer, T., & Erdogan, B. (2010).  Management principles, v. 1.1. https://2012books.lardbucket.org/books/management-principles-v1.1/index.html.  SOLUTION   A three-stage strategy may be needed to...
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(Solution) BUS 1101 Written Assignment Unit 7

Course BUS 1101 - Principles of Business Management Details   Chapter 7 of the text discusses several kinds of organizational structure, including: matrix, boundary-less, and learning. In a 400-500 word paper, answer the following questions: What is one challenge of reporting to more than one manager in a matrix organization? What would be a benefit? What is an advantage and a disadvantages of being employed by a boundary-less organization? What is the main challenge of...
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(Solution) BUS 1101 Discussion Forum Unit 7 – forces for organizational change

Course BUS 1101 - Principles of Business Management Details   In Chapter 7: Organizational Structure and Change, there are several forces for organizational change: workplace demographics, technology, globalization, market conditions, growth, and poor performance. Based on your personal or professional experience, provide an example of when one of these forces caused an organization to change. Why did it cause this change? What was the result? What resistance to the change occurred,...
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(Solution) BUS 1101 Learning Journal Unit 6 – S-M-A-R-T Goals

Course BUS 1101 - Principles of Business Management Details   In the unit 6 Learning Journal, you will develop a more in-depth understanding of the S-M-A-R-T goals concept and see how your personal mission and vision are linked to your goals and objectives. Using the description of S-M-A-R-T goals in section 6.7 of Chapter 6 in the text, expand on each of the 3-4 personal goals and objectives developed in the unit 5 Learning Journal to create S-M-A-R-T goals. In other words, state e...
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(Solution) BUS 1101 Discussion Forum Unit 6 – DF6

Course BUS 1101 - Principles of Business Management Details  In what ways do goals and objectives help managers control processes within an organization? How do specific and measurable goals affect employee motivation and promote organizational performance? Provide an example from your own experience when a specific goal or objective provided beneficial control over a process. Describe the beneficial control and how it positively influenced organizational performance. Please an...
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(Solution) BUS 1101 Learning Journal Unit 5 – Strategy Diamond

Course BUS 1101 - Principles of Business Management Details  For unit 5, the journal will focus on your personal growth and development strategy to deliver your personal mission and vision developed in unit 4. Review Figure 5.21 in section 5.7, Formulating Organizational and Personal Strategy with the Strategy Diamond in the text, Management Principles.  Create a graphic or an outline capturing the topics in Figure 5.21 and populate the first field of the graphic/outline with your...
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(Solution) BUS 1101 Written Assignment Unit 5 – Athlete’s warehouse -SWOT analysis

Course BUS 1101 - Principles of Business Management Instructions for submission  Recall that in a SWOT analysis, the Strengths and Weaknesses are internal. This means that the organization has more control over these factors. The opportunities and threats are external, meaning that they have little to no influence over them. Read the case study, Athlete's warehouse (A), and provide three strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (each) for Athlete’s Warehouse.  P...
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