ANSWERS: (FULL COURSE) NR631 Nurse Executive Concluding Graduate Experience I


NR631 Nurse Executive Concluding Graduate Experience I

NR631 Week 1: Initial AONL Nurse Executive Competency Self-Assessment 

NR631 Week 1: Peer Collaboration: Introduction to Leading Organizational Change for the Nurse Executive 

NR631 Week 1: Practicum Log 

NR631 Week 2: Threaded Discussion: Executive Project Introduction and PICOT Development 

NR631 Week 2: Practicum Log 

NR631 Week 2: Initial Learning Agreement

NR631 Week 2: PICOT Worksheet 

NR631 Week 2: Instructor-Mentor-Student Meeting 

NR631 Week 3: Collaboration Café – Planning Organizational Change: Foundational Project Management Documents 

NR631 Week 3: Practicum Log 

NR631 Week 3: Project Scope and Charter 

NR631 Week 4: Collaboration Café: Leading Change and Creating the Evidence Base 

NR631 Week 4: Practicum Log 

NR631 Week 4: Review of the Literature 

NR631 Week 5: Collaboration Café: Communication in Project Management 

NR631 Week 5: Collaboration Café: Communication in Project Management 

NR631 Week 5: Communication Plan 

NR631 Week 6: Collaboration Café: Effective Management of Organizational Resources 

NR631 Week 6: Practicum Log

NR631 Week 6: Deliverables and Critical Success Factors (CSF) 

NR631 Week 7: Collaboration Café: Status Check: Budget and Project Progress 

NR631 Week 7: Practicum Log

NR631 Week 7: CGE Project Portfolio: Part I 

NR631 Week 8: Collaboration Café: Wrapping up CGE Part I 

NR631 Week 8: Practicum Log 

NR631 Week 8: Mid-CGE Learning Agreement 
